Sunday, January 7, 2007

Justice Hurried, justice Burried

This vedict of this case has raised many questions in our minds.
1. if one wrong commited by us can be reactify by another first Justice for Jessica lall was delayed for long seven years and now for Manu sharma "Justice hurried , Justise burried" by delhi high court. This decison was conveyed so quick that it has over rule all process of natural justice.
2. The style and kind of seberina celebration after high court verdict with opening of champagne bottles was never that what common Indian fought nor it is way of an indian.
3. lastly and most importantly main wittness Bina rehmaani is clearly saying in this video that she never said that she had seen manu sharma firing shot at jessica lall as Delhi high court has made it main basis of its verdict in jessica lall case.

I request Indian High Judiciary Be Just because you are deceding the human lives not physical matter, You can't or should not do it for the sake of your media glare.If this trend reach to lower indian judiciary than God is only way to save us.


Anonymous said...

right question raised by you. We have to unite again to make it possible again but this time without page three society and media.

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u are absoluetely right.. justice hurried is definitely justice burried.. i totally feel da same..

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