Sunday, January 14, 2007

Justice Should Be For All , Not Only for Media Driven Society

We are not against or in favor of any section of society. Only we want to share is, the Victory of Justice for Jessica should not be confine to high powered and top linked society. These people can do any thing to remain in page three of news papers.
The celebration after high court verdict by Sabrina lall and Indian media with opening of Champagne bottles reminds ordinary Indian, who till today has not tasted a drop of pure drinking water but supported the cause of Jessica lall in hope to get a system which will not justify in only this case but also in all those which are pending in Indian courts and are dying because of proper witnesses.
Verdict has not seen through this aspect of commoners, this case has provided us an opportunity to do some thing for ordinary citizen, who don't even have access to last page of our media.

Thus opening of Champagne bottles are dishonor to all those who deserve first pure drinking water than only dream of costly wine, which rich people buy to spread in air to celebrate their victories.
A commoner has seen their (Page three) first reaction (opening of Champagne bottles) after the high court verdict. One again think that, Are these those for whom they have lit bundle of candles at Indian gate?
If justice for Jessica was struggle of ordinary citizens that celebration for victory should be as ordinary as we the Indian are.


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4d-don said...

Hi Anonymous...

That Sahaj Marg did not "UNITE" our family as SPIRITUALITY should, but "DIVIDED" it is just one case. That it divided from the Varadachari's and the family of the founder is very telling. I can take the blame in my life but this is not a "UNITING" group of SPIRITUAL people but a group of BUSINESS-MEN growing the business of the MATERIAL on the bones of the GOOD PEOPLE...

HOw many "DIVISIONS" do you need before you stop blaming the "VICTIMS" and analyse your own structure and the intentions of your leaders...

I will add this by Alexis in France on Elodie's Blog: I translated it because it is the experience in "other parts of the World" that Chari knows about even with his "lack of conscience", as he states...

This is from a comment on Elodie's blog "Pour Que Vive le Sahaj Marg" by Alexis Sept 2, 2007. Translated by Don, using Google Translate.

Alexis Said:

The rumour has it…

Chari would come to Europe next October. The rumour runs, swells and is propagated. But it soon will fall like a soufflé…

Do not dream, Chari will not come!

Because he is pragmatic and a calculator, his acts are never impulsive. After the effect of advertisement only intended to stimulate you, he ends up cancelling at the last minute, stating health reasons! The mechanics is well thought out…

Already in 2003, he explained to the Americans why he had preferred the Indians to them. Lack of numerical growth, lack of material manufacture. Still last May, he preferred financial Dubai and its attractions in the Occident:

Chari speech San Jose, 2003:

« In 1972 I travelled with Babuji to the US. After three weeks there were 76 abhyasis but until 1984 it was arround the same number. What does this show ? Nobody worked.» Discours au Danemark le 10/08/2000
« (…) I really didn't expect to come back to the USA again, because I was pretty depressed about the general situation. Not of the economy, not of the politics, not of the country, you know, but of the abhyasis of the Mission (…) It had become something of a routine, you know (…)

That was one reason why I wasn't travelling abroad for the last three years out of India (…) the people of India yet come to spirituality. So, like my old job in my company, where I was a marketing man - I had good markets, bad markets and markets which were okay (…) And the temptation was always to go to the good market first (…) marketing management dictates that you should give more time to those markets which are not so profitable or productive (…)

So I have been concentrating on India for the last three years, and I am very happy to say that, if you think in terms of statistics, probably we've had three hundred percent growth in the last three years in India. We've had so many new ashrams coming up, big ashrams coming up, housing projects coming up, abhyasis coming in droves, you know (…) And it is good (…)

I don't have a conscience at all - it's a question of work. I don't judge myself, I only do my work and leave the result to him.» - I only do My Work,

Chari speech at San Jose (CA, USA) le 10/08/2003

Speech by AJ Bhatter (Successor to Chari and Master in Waiting)

“I would be happy to say that he had the intention to travel to Europe and to the United States in April. But, perhaps he thinks that if he now went to Europe and to the United States, many among the abhyasis who were registered for Tiruppur, would not go to India. Then, he cancelled his visit. Therefore, I think that in a certain manner, we are not able to convince him that his arrival will not affect the event in India.

He is at this moment in Dubai (…) During, I would say, the 15 last years, work and time that he devoted to Europe should have produced many, many, many more abhyasis. But… it is strange, I would not say that his work was at fault… but that we did not show enough receptivity to be able to realize what should have been.”

Speech of Ajay KUMAR Bhatter in Montpellier 3/05/2007

Alexis said:

He will not come.

Let us be realistic, you (Europeans) are not gifted enough for spiritual marketing. Zero growth for the business, the coaching of your leaders did not yet bear its fruits and management feels it.

If you had really wanted to see him, you would have had to prove it. To attract numbers: to double, triple the manpower, to build cathedrals and no matter what he says … to fight to be near him.

But you are not productive enough, not enough profitable to interest him.
Chari will not come, he will not come any more.

Pragmatic, calculator, he was especially a fine strategist, a skilful tactician acting in his own interests.

He made use of you when he needed you. Rejected by the Indians in 1983, it is towards you the Occidentals that he turned. You gave him the means of building Babuji Memorial Ashram and of filling it with abhyasis. Thus, it is thanks to you that he could return to the natural course of things and return to his country in victory.

He will not come any more, it is finished!
Never forget that, he used you and now he throws you like vulgar kleenex, from now on useless.


Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

You are totally blind when u say that there are famlies which are united coz of SM, see this women

She has used name of Reneeholle, whereas she is indian, wife of a person who is not interested in SM, and she is fighting a battle against her own husband, not only on wikipedia, but also at many places, SM has degraded her to such extent that she has refused to accept her husband as her husband, but seeks sextual gratification within SM, this is evident, you can see this womens commitment towards Sahaj Marg viz-a-viz her family, what will you say to a person like her ?

Anonymous said...

link to her profile is here

Anonymous said...

Dear all,

I have been in Sahaj Marg for almost 4 years. I think all talk of transmission is pure bullshit, at least now. I am not sure if Babuji could do it. As I understand self realisation (if there is indeed such a thing), it is an internal psychological transformation and can only be done by oneself. The guru can only point to the truth. I think the whole "system" of Sahaj Marg is founded on a wrong premise and a lot of people are being fooled.

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,

i am also practising the system for the last 4 years. i feel the transmission.
i think before saying something as bullshit i want you to cross check whether
you are in the right group. If there is nothing like self realisation there great
people like vivekananda and great rishis would not have dared to take that word.( of
course most of the present day people so called gurus use this word liberally with out even
understanding about it).


Anonymous said...

Dear -P,

For you to be so sure of the effect of transmission, you have to experience a time when you were practicing meditation or the like outside of Sahaj Marg, when presumably there was no transmission. However, from what I understand, transmission is like sunshine which is always there, you just have to go out and experience it. This means you are never without transmission. Given the above you benefit from transmision (if the present guru is indeed capable of it) even if you are not a member of Sahaj Marg. So what is the big deal about being in Sahaj Marg with a guru who cannot give you attention because the organisation is too big? I believe Sahaj Marg would have been quite effective when the organisation was small during Babuji's time. Now it is a big tamasha (circus).

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,

i agree that transmission is always there. it is as simillar to thousands of radio frequencies which are present in the atmosphere. but every person will not be capable of absorbing it that is as simmillar that we don't get particular radio station unless we tune to that station. That is why the System of sahaj marg has introduction with 3 sittings to tune our heart to get the capability of transmission. And guru is only babuji and none other than him can called guru as we get the transmission only from him. Preceptor is just a guide.
Yes i strongly say that if we have the constant rememberance of babuji with love and devotion and surrender to him alone i am cent
percent sure that we get the transmission every movement.
The organisation which only concentrates on increasing the strength and lacks spirituality is not worth called spiritual organisation.


Anonymous said...

is there anyone who has a copy of pioneer report which published the sextual activity between chari group preceptor's and female member's, same report is avaibale in allahabad high court website

But news paper article will help getting chari group banned in several more countries other then france and europe, given the fact the case of defamation was dismissed by the Hon' High Court of india this in a way confirms that there is deep sextual activity happenning behind the closed door's when the so called transmission is takeing place.

The report also confirms chari's sextual involvement with young female member's of the group, who are systematicly brainwashed and abused sextually by Chari & Co.

If any-1 is having a copy of the same report kindly publish the scanned copy of the same, somewhere on the internet, so that it can be used as a reference and get this blood sucking, sextually frustated cult group banned from the society and people can relax and become free.

Anonymous said...

A HEADS UP! from an ex-catholic...

Thanks anonymous for the link...

Wether that allegations are true or not, there is one thing that is clear. SRCM is Dividing and Pissing off a lot of people. There is a "suicidal" tendency here!! Very attractive for DEVIANTS!!

These are only accusations of "incest" and adult "sexual deviations".

Chari et al, in spite of the wishes of Babuji and the warnings of Dr. Varadachari, in his zeal to commercialize the "marg" and to "grow the business" recruited among the "unstable" and their "care-takers" in the mental health field and the Alternate Therapies (the Psy's) field before getting to the "Business Class". Where Babuji and Varadachari were attracting the Philosophers and the "intellectuals", Chari wanted "NUMBERS"...not QUALITY. There are incidences in Europe and North America of "restraining orders" and other allegations of "improper" behaviour in the name of SRCM.

And then Chari decides to "target children" with the Lalaji Memorial Omega School. (Why OMEGA?)

As a catholic who has lived in and attended a "RELIGIOUS BOARDING SCHOOL", I can say that that I experienced "first hand" what is now obvious to all who are not blinded by POWER, GREED, FAME, etc.:the "magnetic" quality of RELIGIOUS BOARDING SCHOOLS to the sexual predators called: PEDOPHILES.

Even though my father caught and "suppressed" in no uncertain terms (he kicked one out of the house along with my uncle who brought him) the approaches of "lay" pedophiles and their scams of paying for the child's "quality education" as a "tax-write-off", my father did not catch the "brothers and sisters" from among the CLERICS because he thought: "they would not do that". The influx of pedophiles and their reign of terror, that finally ended the "religious boarding schools" in our society, came mostly form Europe and "afar"... They and their "deviant history", were unknown in our country and with the double POWER of the LOVE of RELIGION, and the OBEY necessary in the CLASSROOM, the pedophiles had an almost impregnable "cloaking device". In my area alone, the BROTHERS who operated the schools are gone, the SISTERS who operated the "girl's boarding schools" are gone. The BROTHERS who operated the (Boarding) Universities are gone. The Brothers who operated the "SEMINARIES are gone... All around SEXUAL ABUSE... The communities did not even allow them to "RETIRE" in the town....JUST GO! what they said. The "enablers", usually the women (pedophiles target and elicit LOVE and RESPECT from the target child (usually of the children of poorer class as they already "isolated" by class) and their parents, usually the MOTHER), took the brunt of the blame for having a "blind eye" and doing all the prep work as the "BROTHERS AND SISTERS" were abusing the kids...And then the OBEYED and did nothing to expose the scandals. They did not believe their children. There were many suicides and shattered lives that culminated in social outcasts and deviants of all sorts looking for another "pedophile Magnet". And then SRCM gives them ONE! LMOS "Living Modified OrganismS" Did someone think up this LMOS? How deviant to call it OMEGA!! THE END? OF WHAT?

So for the Doctors and other "social" climbers, who are concerned about their reputations, learn the lessons from the catholics who are still being sued and paying dearly for the abuses of up to 50 years ago. $600 million in one county of California alone. Don't think that you can filter the pedophiles, the homosexuals, the mentally ill, the POWER HUNGRY, the GREEDY, the LUSTFUL, etc...YOU can't...Just avoid the MAGNETS!!

Among the catholics in my area where there are no boys becoming priests, for obvious reasons, there is now one priest for 7 parishes. GET THOSE NUMBERS CHARI? History will not be kind to the "BROTHERS AND SISTERS". And when one goes to chuch, these days, it is mostly old women who can't change at such a late age, but they also can't do the WORK so the Churches are getting "decrepid" as the Pyramidal structures that built them.

So if you are worried about your "reputation by association", then I will tell you that I am not a catholic any more for the same reason...I would not 'associate" with such GREEDY and IMMORAL people who would target kids in their "capitalist", nationalist, empirialist, religious game of "NUMBERS" BUSINESS and MARKETING...

Spiritual GROUPS as BABUJI said many years ago, should be for those above 18 years of age. Those that would target older women (to get the kids) from the "social aid" centers and the mentally ill, and their care-takers just to have numbers will not have the wisdom to "discriminate" between the teacher and the PEDOPHILE....just like that ilk can't recognize the 'spiritual" from the "idol worshipper" that they really want and need....They both need one another...

SRCM is fertile grounds for all deviants and those who benefit or USE such obvious weaknesses or addiction: the addiction to POWER, FAME, Material Success to the point of GREED. It's reflected in their philosophy (or lack of, according to Chari) and their Theology (God is Male). How many houses and money is ENOUGH? We accept that from the greedy and opportunist CAPITALISTS not from the SPIRITUAL..

Cyril Borg..

Anonymous said...

"Fr. Cyril Borg, OC"

Anonymous said...

Alexis a dit...
Dear Navneet,
Could you publish the proofs that Chari was demised by Babuji of all his functions.
I think it's very important for all the abhyasis who doubt of your father's nomination.
Thank you

August 27, 2007 1:00 PM

4d-Don said...

POWER, PEACE and THEOLOGY! Open lettter to Chari/ Copy United Nations DPI

Quote from SRCM or Chari are in Italics
I have added my comments in different colour and/or font!!

According to Chari, self proclaimed Master of SRCM (Chennai):

"POWER and PEACE do not co-exist!"

This is an Open Letter to reply to the questionnable teachings of Sahaj Marg! Here is the quote:

"In a perfect world - spiritually perfect - there would be no power. There would only be Peace. Power and Peace do no co-exist."

Chari Aug. 5, 2007 Bangalore in Sahaj Sandesh Aug. 15, 2007.

Don's Comments...

That is about as manipulative and dis-empowering for the "disciples" as a statement can get and the author still function in the proximity of a mirror. Power and Peace have always and always will co-exist, as POWER is not the antithesis of PEACE. By this logic, then the ONE (GOD), being ALL POWER, will never co-exist with PEACE. Or, in other words, if one believes in the ONE (GOD) it means that they will never have PEACE. Or, as the ONE is always POWERFUL, in the ONE's Universe, there will never be PEACE, only POWER!

If Chari really believes what he says, and if he claims to "actively promote" PEACE as is required of members of the DPI program of United Nations, which SRCM received by mis-representing themselves as "democratic" while SRCM is in fact a "dictatorship" where the Master is also the President for Life, who appoints his "directors" and "preceptors", and "prefects" (not to mention the double structure of the SRCM Zonal system), then I would ask him for the sake of PEACE in his own organization and hence in the world, as requested of members of the UNDPI program, to relinquish his POWER, the Presidency of SRCM (Chennai) which he DESIRES so much, and to establish the SRCM structure to function as a true non-profit "democracy". If in a true democracy, one can't be General (in charge of the Army-as in Pakistan) and President at the same time, then, to be the Master, representing the DIVINE ONE (the ULTIMATE GENERAL) and President at the same time is also "un-democratic".

If Chari does not agree to this request, then I would ask him and the SRCM (Chennai), for the sake of "honour", and for the sake of "teaching by example", to voluntarily withdraw their membership to the UNDPI Program as have done other "un-democratic" and "totalitarian" sectarian religions (see Jehova's Witnesses) who do not promote the democratic, egalitarian values of the UN, such as the equality of women (Women can't be Masters in Sahaj Marg), and minorities (Chari calls Homosexuality "un-natural").

On the theological question of the Nature of the Divine, Sahaj Marg and Chari contradict themselves:

From SRCM Web Site (Recent Speeches)

The Place of Education in Spirituality

Inaugural Address at CREST (Centre for Research, Education, Sadhana & Training),
9th August 2006, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

So you see, we are now swinging into one point of the pendulum where we are trying to tackle this educational phase of our spiritual life, because there are parts of this world where the spiritual system without any educational base, or knowledge base, is not considered a total system. It is linked with New Age in California and voodoo in Africa and humbug in India! So we have to set all these misconceptions straight, and our people in India have to lose this pride that the Hindu teaching is the best teaching, the Vedas are the ultimate teachings, and that the Indian God is God of all. There is no Indian God, there is no Christian God, there is no Muslim God; God is One, though He is known by many different names.

Essentially, Sahaj Marg teaches of a God who
("Who" designates a person) has no name, no form, no attributes. I was interested to learn from a recent book that what I said about fifteen years ago in a talk at Hyderabad—that God is not a person but a principle—has been voiced by Western philosophers (??), deep thinkers (??) into what these things are and mean, because God cannot really be a person if you think over it. If he ("he" designates a male PERSON, "it" designates a PRINCIPLE) is a person, he can be destroyed. If he is powerful, then there can be something more powerful. If he is educated, there can be someone more educated. If he is big, there can be someone bigger. If he is small, there can be someone smaller.

Don's Comments...

Rather than Hindus and other religious adherents "losing their pride", Chari should lose the pride that affects his logic and start admitting that he does not know the ONE!!

Does anyone notice how many times the un-capitalized personal pronoun "he" is mentionned? "He" (a personal pronoun) attaches to a PERSON an attribute of "maleness", making God a Male PERSON according to this "contradictory" paragraph. What about the neuter "IT" for a "principle", as mentioned? This whole paragraph, far from being "deep", uses a logic that is flawed, paternalistic, and full of contradictions with a grammar that is in-accurate. The oft-repeated "Some-one" can be replaced with "some-thing" if Chari is speaking of a "principle". "WHO" also designates a PERSON, not a PRINCIPLE!

Chari is not educated in Theology or Philosophy! SRCM is a typical case of the charismatic but blind idol leading the blind clones!
And in his other speech:

Obey with the Heart

A talk given by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari To students of Lalaji Memorial Omega School, Chennai On August 15th 2005, The anniversary of Indian Independence

Children must therefore learn to obey with the heart, not with the head. Obedience means what? Obedience means listening and doing what you are asked to do without questioning why this order is given to us.

This cultish (harmful secte) "totalitarian" teaching is also taught at the SRCM (Chennai) Religious Boarding School, the "Lalaji Memorial OMEGA School" (LMOS) (Why "OMEGA"? Is it the END?).

The world needs more free "thinkers", not more blind obedient clones of autocrats and "businessmen" calling themselves MASTERS.

Then, from SMRTI - Youth Services

Questions asked by children to Chariji about God

Q: If God is formless and without attributes, why in the numerous books of
literature in Sahaj Marg is God always referred to as "Him"?

Chariji: God is male. Nature is female.

Don's Comments:

Is the ONE (God) a "Principle" or "ONE" according to this? "Male" is an attribute that designates a PERSON or an ANIMAL! If God is MALE, HOW DO WOMEN come into existence? From the Biblical "rib of Adam"? If Nature is "FEMALE", I as a MALE along with other "MALES", are we "un-natural" also? By Chari's logic, MALES only, are DIVINE just like GOD and hence only males can be "MASTERS" representing the Divine!! SHAME!!

Should the teacher not "study" before "teaching"? Should UNDPI program not rescind the membership of such group?

By the way, in conclusion, also in the speech called:

Obey with the Heart

A talk given by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari To students of Lalaji Memorial Omega School, Chennai On August 15th 2005, the anniversary of Indian Independence

Chari's speech ends with this:

Chinese Saying:

He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not is a fool—shun him!


Anonymous said...


We all know that Chari has no clue what he is talking about. His rambling speeches are so amateurish and so clueless that it would be funny if it were not so tragic for the thousands of so- called abhyasis who are being misled into a false sense of emotional security and "spiritual progress". The fate of the preceptors is even worse. They have wasted their whole life living up to the demands of the organisation and thereby neglecting their families and social lives. Without Chari's charisma, this organisation will implode as the costs of maintaining this infrastructure will cause the whole organisation to collapse. Babuji will get a shock if he were to see what SRCM has become today and what values are being taught!

Anonymous said...

to 4d-don,

I had liked to answer your open letter on your own website ( I regret that I couldn't do so, but although two other comments were already mentioned in the link "comments" the page couldn't be opened. ("Page Not Found. The requested URL was not found on this server... ")

4d-don, I 'd like to ask you the following:
"Do you judge the window or are you able to judge the light which comes through.
If you are able to judge the light I 'd really appreciate to know your result. - If not, better keep quiet.

About words: You yourself give sometimes statements with good foundations, sometime you talk such nonsense that I can't believe that the words shall come from the same person. - Words are of limited importance.

Relating to the question of the soul I personally heard very high opinions about the person you and others do not only critizice, but ridicule on this site. The people who shared their opinions are not (and were never) related to SRCM or any person of this circumference.

This website itself www.http seems to my opinion to be a fake. It's not at all about "Tell Me Truth India - A Platform To Know Truth About Social Justice In India.", but only about Navneet Kumat Saxena and his fight for a "spiritual heritage".

It seems to be a platform for ex-husbands, ex-abhyasis, ex-priests, ... ect, too.

There could be a platform for wisdom and wise and honest people....

4d-Don said...

Hi Anonymous...

Please sign your messages with an ALIAS so I can respond to you in PERSON...

You ask...

4d-don, I 'd like to ask you the following:
"Do you judge the window or are you able to judge the light which comes through.
If you are able to judge the light I 'd really appreciate to know your result. - If not, better keep quiet.

Since you ask, I have looked at the LIGHT and not the Window and "QUOTE" the light using its own WORDS...(we can't say SOUNDS but SHAPES of LETTERS). THESE ARE NOT MY OPINIONS that I QUOTE but what you call "LIGHT"...

The ONE (What Chari calls by the Germanic "GOD", but that Vivekananda (a wiser MASTER) calls ONE) is not MALE... Chari seems to agree when "corrected", and then he CONTRADICTS himself and teaches to KIDS that "GOD IS MALE and NATURE IS FEMALE"... Just to CONFUSE AND CONTROL?

NATURE IS BOTH (male and female) and MORE (neuter)...THE ONE IS ALL! This attempt to give "phoney" attributes to the ONE is NOT LIGHT and NOT WISE!!

It is also not wise to call OTHER RELIGIONS "corrupt" as Chari does all the time. It is a sales tactic to "put down" the other products in the marketplace and thus "elevate" your product. That is not LIGHT... but "DARKNESS"...The UN DPI program DEMANDS that he not do that or to relinquish SRCM's status as member of the UN DPI Program...

Homosexuality is not "un-natural"...There are 450 known species (and counting) that practices one form of "homosexuality" or another. It seems that Nature is not so "intolerant" of Pleasure as Chari and other "fundamentalists" are. To marginalize a minority (7% of most populations) on their "sexual" preference is not LIGHT but DARKNESS and is not allowed by the UN DPI program also.


"Women can't be MASTER" according to Chari... "WHY?", I asked him. Because they do not have the needed capability for "DESTRUCTION", he said. And then he said that this destruction was on a "COSMIC" scale. Is that LIGHT or DARKNESS. When is destruction of the COSMOS ever LIGHT? ...LIGHT (or MOTION) creates the COSMOS. It is not the (self appointed) job of megalomaniacal MASTERS from any EARTHLY country or Tribe to "DESTROY THE COSMOS" created by the ONE... that should be called "intellectual terrorism" as it is "using fear" to victimize (get money and power).

Those who call that WISE are FOOLS...

Now I would suggest in agreement with you, that those who don't know, TO BE QUIET!! SRCM and Chari show by their own words that they DO NOT KNOW THE ONE as they would work to make a BETTER WORLD, not DESTROY THE COSMOS in the name of a RELIGION Channelled by an "un-named" MEDIUM. (Cant' the Master communicate with the FOUNDER himself?) I can understand why SHE hides...I would be "ashamed" to side with this type of CHARLATANISM and false theology that sounds more like a religious fantasy and SPIRITUALISM than a "MEDITATION SYSTEM" or an "advaita" philosophy...

The World needed SPIRITUALITY from INDIA not another Spiritualism and a Businessman's "Conquer the MARKETPLACE" agenda...

By Material standards, Chari and other Capitalists are "loftier" than a "philosopher", or a spiritual person, such as Varadachari, but I will judge the Words rather than DOLLARS and the number of followers.

The path to Salvation (or liberation) is narrow and few go with you. The path to PERDITION is wide and many go with you. I will defend your right to follow what you wish and to promote it all you want. I demand the same. I will not BE QUIET until Chari is QUIET. Chari does not know and yet he speaks and speaks obvious contradictions... WE, the INFONAUTS, now have the same TOOL (internet) and we will now be HEARD by ALL...WE WILL EXPOSE the flaws in the LOGIC and hopefully, the Masses will become WISE and shun such FANTASIES that approach MEGALOMANIA...

With Numbers, I WANT TO BELIEVE ONLY IN THE ONE...all the other numbers include the ONE...If SRCM does not UNITE then its philosophy is not of the ONE...but of the MANY as MATERIALISTS are, and those are the ones who will have MATERIAL statues erected to them-selves and IDOLIZED by the MASSES... WE GAVE THAT UP for "spirituality", not spiritualism, and SAVING the PLANET and its ENVIRONMENT... as the RELIGIONS BUILD MORE MATERIAL structures and get their disciples to "increase" their carbon footprints by chasing the IDOLS around the WORLD...NOT WISE AT ALL...Teach that to the children by example

Because you don't understand everything I say, I forgive your taking "umbrage" to my comments. But it is not said to "profiteer" or to "convert" you to my way of thinking but to "express my truth".

I am not guided or motivated by PROFIT, POWER, FAME etc... NO one will erect a statue to ME...and that is GOOD...Chari is an IDOL and he will live the life of an IDOL...I don't blame him...It's the IDOL worshippers that I target...They are the foolish, gullible sheep wasting their lives and adding another IDOL to be broken by the angry masses as they find out that they've been "conned" by yet another "BUSINESSMAN" come Televangelist, Religious fundamentalists, who believe their own FANTASIES...


4d-Don said...

Hi all...

Our Server was down for a while (days)...

My Comments page should now be available??


Shashwat said...

There could be a platform for wisdom and wise and honest people...

This is it. But since your definition of "WISDOM and WISE" is somewhat flawed.. corrupted by mental slavery IMPOSED by SRCM ™ ® ©, hence every other platform will be absurd for you.

This is what is called mind control, to which you are subjected to, definition of Zombie is also same, a person whose response is mute, and is controlled by someone else, you demonstrate the same here.

Anonymous said...

1."To 4d-don, ....If you are able to judge the light I 'd really appreciate to know your result. - If not, better keep quiet."
2." seems to my opinion to be a fake."
3."Shashwat said...
There could be a platform for wisdom and wise and honest people... This is it. ..."

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous...

I see that you don't have any other "ideas" as you now attack the "messenger" rather than question or reply to the questions of the validity or credibility of the WORDS of "so-called" LIGHT from your MASTER...

If you were in a business meeting, you could say: Oh! yeah! Reminds me of the Land deal in the Florida Everglades (Swamp)!! That would sure discredit your "prophets" and show your "spirituality" that is supposed to "hone" and "polish" the intellect and help in quelling or controlling the "EMOTIONS".


Who this site belongs to is "IRRELEVANT" to most... It is the content that is the MESSAGE...not the PERSON...KNOWLEDGE IS NOW BLIND as JUSTICE....DEAL WITH IT...

We now get our knowledge directly from the DIVINE just as we receive the light from the sun, the rain, the wind, etc... without the need for "corrupted" PROXIES standing between us and the DIVINE claiming to have MORE SUN, WIND, RAIN, TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE etc.. and then the speak.... And every PHILOSOPHER and INTELLECTUAL shake their heads an chuckle..

With ideas and PRINCIPLES we can discuss and come to an agreement. With PEOPLE, you must have "FAITH" or TRUST and the words do not count. That way is GOING OUT...Get with the PROGRAM or remain a "dynosaur" that supports such FEUDAL systems that marginalize so many for the benefit of so FEW...NOT SUSTAINABLE! TOO COSTLY TO THE PLANET...and the Social environment.

Just like the spiritual and intellectual debate around SRCM (Chennai) has deteriorated to "spiritualism" and then to Finances and POWER (Legal), the debate will and has deteriorated to allegations of "emotions, sex, lust, oppulence, etc.. and eventually to violence and factional wars...Does that sound familiar?

Brave women in INDIA are now starting to speak out against these "OLD BOYS" Networks who play at "GOD" while the Planet burns... The NERO and ROME comparison is not missed by some of us who still have not "sold out" our LOGIC and our INTELLECT to the "BLIND FAITH" Apocalyptic BEAST of Religious MYTHS such is The channelled SPIRITUALISM that is now surfacing in SRCM (Chennai)...

Who is giving you the MESSAGEs that you call LIGHT that then become your "DOGMAS"? DO YOU KNOW HER? DO YOU KNOW WHO SPEAKS TO HER? IS IT CHARI? WHY DOES SHE HIDE?


Some can't even ask the question any more...SOME OF US CAN...Do not enslave the next genration from BIRTH as RELIGIONS HAVE DONE...NOT such a DIVISIVE ideology as SRCM (Chennai)...

Walk in THE LIGHT...


Anonymous said...

Dear 4d-don,
You say the WORDS:"Walk in THE LIGHT..."
I answer: "Namaste!"

("I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place in you of l i g h t , love, truth, peace and wisdom. I honor the place in you where, when you are in that place, and I am in that place, there is only one of us." - Mahatma Gandhi about the meaning of "Namaste")

Shashwat said...


A person who has absolutely no idea about existence, a kid.

A person who has no respect/regards for womanhood. a sex-maniac


A stupid crap, has no respect for nature, according to him Eltin John is un-natural, Dumb Ass


He himself, as self proclaimed, self appointed Lord of the Universe, a Master of disaster


Psychopath, mentally sick, a person living in imaginations, creations of delusional mind. Talking with dead people, long time gone people, has no idea as what it means to be librated, once librated no-1 would continue to participate in worldly affaires.


Zombies, parasitic loafer’s, those who have no thinking power, no reasoning capacity, simply a zombie, following what they are told, slaves.




Cult leader, who wants to maintain absolute control over life's of people. Highly cultic person's, manipulator's, very cunning people.

Anonymous said...

Factional Confrontation Predicted

Hi all...

Just like the Irish Catholics and Protestants march their parades through each others' territory and the Muslim Shiah and Sunni take their prilgrimages onto one another's lands, leading to "violence", SRCM is going to try to "add salt to the wounds" of the smaller factions by bringing their "forces" into the other's territory. This is the PEACE that Chari as part of the UN DPI is creating in INDIA...and then the WORLD...

UNITED NATIONS should be appealed to, to "reign in" these "agents provocateurs" and their tactics that have historically escalated to Factional Violence...

At the bottom level of all RELIGIOUS Pyramids are "mentally unstable" individuals who just "OBEY" even to the point of "immorality", that SRCM has actively recruited against the wishes of Babuji and Varadachari...Now it seems the AJ Bhatter is getting ready to use these "TROOPS" as a show of FORCE...

Their tactics are so "PEACEFUL" and "Compassionate"....NOT!!

This is from Elodie's Blog in France:

Alexis said ...

Following the announcement of 1 October by Ajay Kumar the celebrations in Lucknow in 2008 for the 81st birthday of Chari, Shri Manoj Tiwari has created a blog to announce the event, discuss and gather suggestions from all sides.

Enchanted by this worthy initiative, I left a post proposing to invite Kasturi and the grandson of the guru Lalaji (NaqshMuMRa) since the celebration is to take place in their fiefdom (stronghold) of Uttar Pradesh.

I also suggested that they take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to make peace with Navneet Kumar, grandson of Babuji and current chairman of the SRCM
(Shahjahanpur) (Uttar Pradesh).

Two days later, the blog was gone ...

Cyril Borg...

Anonymous said...

Namaste, Cyril Borg,
"Fr. Cyril Borg, OC")

To your information:
1. Years back I went personally to Lucknow.
During a long meeting with Kasturi Chaturvedi I asked her to attend Babubji's birthday celebrations, then in Lucknow. She refused. None of her excuses convinced me.
On another occasion I wrote her again and repeated my request. I asked her for clarification in the discussion about Navneet Kumar Saxena ect., too. There was never an answer.

It is the right of an old lady to refuse to attend the battles in the market place.

But you, do you know her and her attitude or did you ever try to approach her with your wish, before you saw yourself urged to leave a post on the net? She can "take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to make peace",too.

What is y o u r reason that you - "enchanted by this worthy initiative" - try to be involved in the preparations for these birthday celebrations? - Peace?

2. Shortly I saw Navneet Kumar Saxena and his father (incl. photos ect.) as "successor(s)" on It is removed now. You call N. K. Saxena "current chairman of the SRCM"'(Shahjahanpur) (Uttar Pradesh). Could you clarify this?

Anonymous said...

to comment "October 16, 2007 11:58 AM"
"Shri Navneet Kumar Saxena ji
Son of Mahatma Shri Umesh Chandraji Maharaj = (Present Spiritual Representative and Successor President)-(November 4, 2003 onwards)"

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous (...n)

"Fr. Cyril Borg, OC")

I don't understand your link above...I get (no such link) when I try to access it. And I have never been to Kuwait...KNOWLEDGE IS BLIND...

Anonymous (...n+1), replied to your second enquiry about the Presidency of SRCM by Navneet...

This comment is from "Alexis" on Elodie's (France) blog and not by Cyril Borg...So You are asking the wrong guy about the reason for the comments...

We (the INFONAUTS) are working for PEACE by exposing the "Peace saboteurs" (such as the SRCM (Chennai)) as they are into POWER, not PEACE.

Only such self-aggrandised UN DPI organizations such as SRCM can mess things up to the point of "legal action" and violent confrontation, and still claim to work for "PEACE"

Walk in the LIGHT of the ONE, not the light of GOD (MALE) or "HIS" (Male) respresentative, not the POPE (even though the word "GOD" is from the Germanic tribe, the GOTH (4th century), and the current POPE is GERMAN) but Chari, the businessman all his life and now "REPRESNTATIVE OF GOD (MALE)"


Cyril Borg...

Shashwat said...


Mr. Chari is of the opinion that God is of male gender, and womens cannot become spiritual guides because they cannot become distructive enough (!).

Lets examine first the GENDER of God.

How in the world can God be attributed to a gender ? there is a concept of Intelligent Design which tries to explain the origin of human race based purly on scientific analysis. This however ends at Irreducible Complexity , to go further in the subject we need to observe our sorrounding's.

If we try to trace the origin, we start with a time when there was "neither aught nor naught", i.e, when this world did not exist; Are we sure of that? What do we see around us? Take a little plant. We put a seed in the ground, and later, we find a plant peeping out, lift itself slowly above the ground, and grow and grow, till it becomes a gigantic tree. Then it dies, leaving only the seed. It completes the circle ? it comes out of the seed, becomes the tree, and ends in the seed again. Everything in nature begins, as it were, from certain seeds, certain rudiments, certain fine forms, and becomes grosser and grosser, and develops, going on that way for a certain time, and then again goes back to that fine form, and subsides...

Take another example We know that the huge mountains are being worked upon by glaciers and rivers, which are slowly but surely pounding them and pulverising them into sand, that drifts away into the ocean where it settles down on its bed, layer after layer, becoming hard as rocks, once more to be heaped up into mountains of a future generation. Again they will be pounded and pulverised, and thus the course goes on. From sand rise these mountains; unto sand they go. If it be true that nature is uniform throughout, if it be true, and so far no human experience has contradicted it, that the same method under which a small grain of sand is created, works in creating the gigantic suns and stars and all this universe, if it be true that the whole of this universe is built on exactly the same plan as the atom, if it be true that the same law prevails throughout the universe, it has been said in the Vedas, "Knowing one lump of clay we know the nature of all the clay that is in the universe."

Applying this course of reasoning to phenomena, we find, in the first place, that everything is almost similar at the beginning and the end. The mountain comes from the sand, and goes back to the sand; the river comes out of vapour, and goes back to vapour; plant life comes from the seed, and goes back to the seed; human life comes out of human germs, and goes back to human germs. The universe with its stars and planets has come out of a nebulous state and must go back to it... what is meant by this then ? the manifested or the grosser state is the effect, and the finer state the cause, and that destruction means going back to the cause. Therefore we learn that the effect is the same as the cause, not different. It is only in another form, shape or appearence, but in essence it is same, effect is never different from the cause, It is only that this effect is a reproduction of the cause in a grosser form.

Hence in essence if God being the cause, and we being the effect, how can we be different from God ? therefore explanation of God being MALE and female an inferior bread.. is not only insulting, derogatory, but stupid statement.

What about God of animals ? females have their own female God, males have their own male God, Cow's have their own Cow God, tree's have their own tree God !!! and there it goes... all hypothetical explaination of God, being male female, with gender, powerful, superior blabh blabh... all rubbish and outcome of ignorent mind!!

What is the gender of a tree ? what is the gender of a mountain ? what is the gender of river ? ocean ? air ? are they not extenssion of same cosmic intelligence ? if they do not have a gender then how come God have a gender ? All explainations God is outcome of human imagination, and these cults in specific, uses these to manipulate people, and use them.

God has no gender, it is what we are, if we are good, God is good, if we are bad God is bad, there is no external God.

God has no GENDER

Anonymous said...


While I am not a great admirer of Chari's philosophical utterances, I believe his comments on the maleness of God is derived from the word "Purusha", which is used in the Samkhya school of philosophy to denote "Pure Consciousness" or the God principle. The word Purusha is also used to mean "Male" in ordinary usage and hence the confusion. In the same philosophy, everything material is called "Prakriti". Therefore "Purusha" is our true identity and that identity is the same for males and females in the material world. I hope this clarifies what Chari meant when he said words that may amount to saying God is Male.


Shashwat said...


Question put forth was pretty simply, it was "why do we refer to God as HIM ?"

Chari said, God is male and nature is female... now you can go on and on and try to defend this statement... as politicians do when their statements go against them (my statement was taken in wrong context).. correct ?

This also proves that Chari's understanding of PURUSH is not more that "ordinary usage"

Strength is not fighting only.. power is not proving your point at any cost, once it is obvious that our statement is wrong.. strength is in admitting that.. Hence if you agree that God has no Gender, then simply admit that Chari (who claims to represent the ultimate!!) has absolutely no idea about what he claims to represent.

Once done that.. come back to your senses and become normal.

Once you have this much of strength, that you can admit your mistake and try to learn.. then come out to public to preach, and expect resistance for everything you do, good or bad. resistance will be there...

If you can disapprove my site, i will remove it, if you can argue and convince me that Chari indeed represents the ultimate... you have me.

Hindu tradition is based on logical arguments, please remember the debate between Adi Shankaracharya and Pt. Matuk Mishra.

If you claim to originate your concepts from Hindu concept, (Samkhya philosophy) then uphold that tradition.

The Vedas may be regarded as the source and fountain to which the later developments of thought can be traced. The bold speculative trend and philosophic flights of the Vedas culminated in the Upanishads and the system of the Vedanta. Their descriptions of religious ecstasy in divine contemplations inspired the formulation of the school of Yoga which was codified in the aphorisms of Patanjali. Their visions of the creation of the universe helped the rise of the Sankhya doctrine which regularised the prevalent notions on cosmology and psychology. The logical trend in the Vedas stimulated the development of Anvikshiki (application of reason) and the rationalistic bias of certain systems among the Darsanas. The ritualistic and sacerdotal emphasis in the Vedas laid the foundation for the purely authoritarian Mimamsa school. The forms of meditation and prayer predominant in the Vedic hymns sponsored the building up of the Bhakti schools among the Vaishnavas, Saivas and Saktas.

SRCM of Chari does not follow any philosophy !!

Chari in a speech on New Year's Day, 2005 at Babuji Memorial Ashram, Manapakkam, INDIA, said: "There is no room for philosophy in speeches of Sahaj Marg. In fact, Sahaj Marg has no philosophy. It does not rest on any philosophy. It is neither advaita nor dvaita nor vishishta advaita."

(now what is the explaination of ordinary usage here ???)

Your representative of God contradicts himself in every second word he speaks.. Raja Yoga which you claim to spread, the first step of that “YAM” truthfulness and non-cunningness and purity of thought is absent from this group.. this again is obvious, all hypothetical explanations.. messages from brighter world (costing $250) chari’s birthday celebrations and many more things are in absolute contrast to Raja Yoga.. and you still want to believe that SRCM ™ has any trace of spirituality.. then I am sorry you are brainwashed and controlled. Come out in open and debate, prove your point and establish that what you are doing is of any good, and is not causing harm, avoid Ad hominem

Anonymous said...


I agree with you that Chari has no idea what he is talking about. His trick is to keep the abhyasis on a tight leash by criticising their practice or dedication to Sahaj Marg, etc. etc. so that they will crave for a word or look of approval from him. Nobody dare criticise him or tell him that the "emperor has no clothes"! He is a manipulator par excellence.

On the matter of philosophy, it is difficult for anybody to align Sahaj Marg practices to any traditional philosophy. As far as advaita vedanta goes, God or Consciousness is beyond all concepts let alone describing it as male or female.

As far as Sahaj Marg goes, whoever is able to justify Chari and his utterences will stay in Sahaj Marg and people who see through his lack of understanding of the nature of Truth, like you and I, will leave. So long as he is alive, the show will go on.


Anonymous said...

My Dears,

Please be advised that I am happy to have a copy of Babuji's book "Sahaj Marg Philosophy" by Ram Chandra (first published in 1969, Shahjahanpur),

I hope that you may be lucky enough to find a copy for yourselves.

Best wishes,

Shashwat said...

The concept of representing the divine itself is absurd!! Ultimate cannot be defined, cannot be explained and is beyond mind, everything around us is an extension of the same ultimate, and if there is representation of the ultimate, it is through everything around us, how can there be any sole representative of divinity ? is this not cultic ? used only to manipulate people, feeding them with false pseudo and cunning methods that Chari is the representative of divine.

There cannot be ONE representative of divine, divine is represented through each and every object around us, and we must see divinity in everything, since that is not easy, hence that divinity must be viewed inside our family, so that social structure does not break down, and this is what is essence of grahast ashram, any other representative as in case of Chari et al. is cultic.

Anonymous said...

jZICNY Good article! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

XVEhjg Hello! Great blog you have! My greetings!

Anonymous said...

nbRYTX Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

Anonymous said...

bZlXZ0 Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to K.V. Reddy for his most excellent & moving article. Much of his personal testimony of Babuji echoes or parallels my own experiences, and I am very much heartened to read such a revelatory account.

I am also heartened by the web-site generally, which adheres so closely to my Master's own verbatim teachings and to their spirit. Simple, subtle and sincere.

I too have never found any philosophy, teaching or practice that comes anywhere close in its efficacy, nor met anyone who so profoundly met & exceeded all one's hopes, wishes and expectations, (often anticipating them) as Babuji. His wonders and revelations continue.

Blessings & best wishes to all. May you endure & attain.

Affectionately, B.

Anonymous said...

dDoQVx Magnific!

Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

HI all...

Hi all...

It is strange that a so-called "SPIRITUAL GROUP", who promote a 'VEGETARIAN" diet would call their "RETREAT" by the name of an INSTRUMENT of PAIN for animals.

Spurs are sharp metal spinners worn by RODEO cowboys and/or "horse breakers", on their boots, to "stick into the flanks" of the animals (horses and bulls) so as to inflict pain and make them "buck" for the enjoyment of the MASSES and the PROFIT of the organizers. IS THERE A LESSON HERE? Is there a metaphor here?

IS the metaphor of the SPURS what SAHAJ MARG is doing to the ABHYASIS and their family? Making them buck for the ENJOYMENT and PROFIT of the ELITE?

Animal rights activists have been trying to get SPURS banned for years as "CRUELTY to ANIMALS"...

And who will go to the 28 acre SPURS RANCH for a RETREAT? NOT THE POOR!! It is not aimed at the POOR but at the WEALTHY who will then DONATE (tax write-offs) to a Charitable organization...


This is their PR for the THINKING abhyasis!!

AH! The Simple SPIRITUAL Life at SRCM

This is their PR.


Report by brother S. Krishna Sai, Austin, Texas, USA

Rev. Master had approved the idea for a Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation Retreat Center for the Americas earlier this year, on the auspicious day of Janmashtami (Lord Krishna’s birthday), during the Inaugural CREST course earlier this year.

It is with great joy and happiness we share that Rev. Master has approved the purchase of a 28-acre ranch property in Austin, Texas. The future home of SMSF-Americas Retreat Center will be located about 15 miles south of Austin. It presently has a primary 3 bedroom home (Master’s Cottage) and a 1 bedroom guest home (Caretaker / Director’s Cottage) with a work room which may be converted into a meditation hall. It is a working ranch with a lot of usable flat land, a creek and livestock corral type fencing around the entire perimeter of the property and a secondary fence around the house. It is located in the hub of Yoga/spiritual activity in Central Texas.

Rev. Master gave us the following guidance on the purpose of a retreat center during his talk on 9th August 2006: “… souls yearning for rest from glamour of this world, from the insistence on money-making, from the demands of power structures – lay all that behind us, and go there and relax, bring our souls to pristine purity and meditate, introspect, do some writing if you wish to do so …”

In Europe it's Castles, in America it' s "ranches"...and in the hub of "spiritual" Texas?? (a center of religious "immigration" destination with their "religions"??)



SPURS RANCH is a 28 acre ranch, just outside Austin, Texas...

Santosh Khanjee, in charge of "external and international affairs" for SRCM is a developer in the Austin area where he is PRESIDENT of LOTUS HOTELS, and has another development in Austin of one hotel and two restaurants.

Tourism to Austin is good for business for Santosh and he will PROMOTE it to the hilt.

What is good for God is good for Santosh... People have to eat and sleep somewhere...The poor abhyasis, they will eat rice and sleep on the floor or outside unless they PAY for inside accomodations and for better FOOD... and THEY WILL!!

SAHAJ MARG is just trying to SPUR you on!! lol Whine you sheep for the PLEASURE OF THE ELITE (Brahmin)!!

After that "commercial venture" will be the New Jersey development of SRCM (Chennai)... All to be paid by the Poor Abhyasis...unless the Wealthy supports them!! NOT!!

Monroe zoning board considers mission plan
Shri Ram Chandra Mission eyes Monroe site
Friday, October 5, 2007 2:55 PM EDT
By Sean Ruppert, Staff


see blog "Article Index" for more:

Anonymous said...

Hi Navneet...

Could you tell me what you know of this person and this group (trust) who have this site from Italy:

...Are they part of your SRCM (Shahjahanpur)?

Shri T.V. Srinivasa Rao, an Abhyasi of Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj Seva Trust, Cuddapah.

Thank you (or anyone from your group) for your reply...

Could you also tell us what is happening with the "court case"?

Are you still in good health?


Anonymous said...

Dear Navneet Kumar,
I want to know more about Babuji's unedited biography and other books that are published by your mission. Can you please tell me your email id and phone number on: sshubh[at]yahoo[dot]com


Anonymous said...

Have been out of station and for the All India Founders Day Celebrations in Oct. Am Fine.

Am going out again in a short while will be back andmanswer all pending questions.

The books are published in hindi 7 voolumes and 2 have been taken out out of 8 in English.

Presently out of stock.

Meanwhile the order awaited from lower court has just been passed and a few days back. But, we are still awaiting the main Supreme Court Order. As of now.


Anonymous said...

what is the content of lower court order ? can you inform us, or if it is possible, can it be published on net ?

vishwaravi said...

dear navneet ,can i have ur email ,to contact personally , reg this meditation,

Anonymous said...

Hi all...

Translation of Hindi Newspaper articles on SRCM (Shahjahanpur) site.

This was taken off the "Freedom from Sahaj Marg-SRCM" site on Orkut.

These Newpaper articles are on the site of SRCM (Shahjahanpur) now under the Presidency of Navneet Kumar, Babuji's grandson and son of Umesh Saxena, the past President of SRCM Shahjahanpur.

(Translation by Shashwat- comments and corrections appreciated)

Dainik Jagran 8th November 2003.
Ex-Minster and Ex-DIG tried to forcefully capture the RamChandra Mission Ashram.

Situation volatile, administrative and police officer’s camp in the ashram.

In order to capture the position of president vacated after dismissal of Umesh Chandra, international president of Ram Chandra Mission, and with intention to capture the property worth millions of rupee’s , ex- state education minister Amarjeet singh Jansevak, ex director general of police, Uma Shanker Bajpai, along with dozens of associates attempted to capture the mission property, which was successfully foiled by the state administration, in addition to dozens of other people, Uma Shanker Bajpai secretary of RamChandra mission Chennai, Mr. Krishna Tondon, Veenet Chandra, along with their associates, attacked the ashram, in the evening around 7:30 PM. Office superintendent of mission Mr. D. Krishna had previously expressed his concerns regarding bad intentions of above stated people, to the local administration.

Mr D. Krishna had already informed the district magistrate Shahjahanpur, Mr Ashok Kumar Verma, city magistrate Mr. J.K Dixit and supretendent of police Mr shushil Kr. Singh, regarding possibility of violent attack by these people, keeping in view the threat of Chennai group people, administration had already appointed the station officer in the mission. When ex-minister along with his associates were attempting to enter into the ashram, with intentions of capturing it, immediately police and administration officer’s got alarmed, ASP Rambahadur, city magistrate J.K dixit circle officer J.N Bhadauriya, and other administrative officer’s immediately reached the spot and prevented the situation from getting volatile.

Administrative officer’s asked prepetrators, who were trying to enter into the mission property with intention to capture it, regarding documentary proof’s that they are the owner’s of that property. Between, when ex minister tried to enter inside the ashram, for negotiation, the private security guard in the premises warned the attackers that they will start firing if anyone attempts to enter inside the ashram premises. Sensing the volatile situation, the administrative officer’s on the spot prevented ex-IPS officer and ex-minister and their associates from entering into the mission and requested them to produce documentary proof for the ownership of the property next morning.

Office in-charge D. Krishna said that death of president Umesh Chandra Saxsena, is part of the conspiracy hatched by these people only.

D. Krishna further said that news of death of Umesh Chandra saxsena reached their family member’s later and these people knew before hand that Umesh Chandra has expired, he stated that, Krishna tondon had called me and informed me that Umesh Chandra has expired, whereas I was unaware of it. A day before youngest son of Umesh got engaged in Barrali, and I was present there, next day I returned to Shahjahanpur and Umesh Chandra left for Noida, where he felt a bit uneasy, and hence went to hospital, and died there.
D. Krishna has further said, that Babuji’s death is also part of conspiracy hatched by Chennai group people only, as he also died of poisoning, he suspected that even Umesh Chandra death is also due to poisoning only.

Hindustan, 3rd November 2006.
Ram Chandra Mission captured, after Violence

Women amongst 3 other’s injured

Shahjahanpur, Under police station Ram Chandra Mission, on Sunday daughter-in-law of late shree Ramchandra ji, her brother and her son, were mercilessly beaten up by Anti-Ramchandra, P. Rajagopalachari group people. The perpetrator’s destroyed property worth missions of rupees and captured the immoveable property, they dragged the people inside the mission and threw them outside the ashram forcefully. Victims when approached police for launching the FIR, they were asked to leave from there also, and FIR was not registered, Amita saxsena, daughter-in-law of RamChandra ji informed the media that on Sunday afternoon, ex-IPS Uma shanker bajpai, self proclaimed secretary of Parthsarthi group, ex-justice R.R.K Trivedi, Prabhat Kumar Sinha, in association with lot more people attacked the mission and destroyed property worth million of rupee’s. When she tried to stop the predator’s, they attacked her, her brother and her son, and beat them to near death, after which they dragged her, her brother and her son, out of mission and threw them. In addition to this they also captured the vehicles and licensed revolver of her son puneet saxsena. When she approached police for help, police refused to help them owing to pressure from influential people from P. Rajagopalachari group.

It should also be mentioned that same people tried to capture the same property back in the year 2003 also, when administration foiled their attempt.

Later on ex-IPS UmaShanker Bajpai, informed the media, that HE is now the new secretary of the mission and family those who were running the mission till yesterday have nothing to do with the mission any more.

Cyril Borg

Anonymous said...

Long live the "Parthasarathi Group". Sounds like a bunch of lies.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous...

Those who believe in a "Brighter World" for the "peaceful, the generous, the wise and the Saintly", have to believe in a "not-so Brighter World" for those who use "violence, and are otherwise narcissistic and self-serving and "attached" to power and the Material structures.

YES! So Be it! Chari Group "Long life" but may you also find the "Brightness" in your Material World, that you deserve. You will not avoid the KARMA that you preach for others who use like methods for acquiring POWER.

The reasons for the environmental and societal mess the planet is in is because of the likes of the "developments" of the Chari's of this world, and other like "industrialists" who think that the rest of the world will clean up after them while they just "profiteer". Well the "clean up" will also include the tearing down of the "divisive" religious structures that the "industrialists and the business elite" have built. The next generation will not be so "logical" and may not use "words" to tear down such Pyramidal and divisive power structures that are the NEW RELIGIONS coming out of the India of the likes of CHARI...

May you all (the trapped abhyaisis) find some Spiritual Light in some genuine Spiritual "system" that is not a pyramid of Material POWER (Brahmin).

Then your "navel gazing", self-serving, narcissistic practice that is now more of a spiritualism "bollywood" fantasy, might acquire a truly spiritual "goal" that involves caring for the sick, the poor, the needy, the misfits, the environment, the planet, society, etc... not just YOURSELVES, the deluded ELITE, who pretend to have and sell the claim of being saved, liberated, "en-lightened"!!

The road is wide and many go with you on the road to "perdition". The Path to salvation is narrow and few go with you. The more successful in "numbers" SRCM becomes, the more corrupt and off the PATH (lost) it becomes.

Cyril Borg...

Anonymous said...


All of what you say may be true but that doesn't make the "Umesh Saxena Group" any better than the "Parathasarathi Group". What has sprirituality got to do with dynastic succession which is what you seem to support by demonising the "Parathasarathi Group" and supporting the "Saxena Group". Both groups are false. At least the "Parathasarathi Group" has made Babuji and his method world famous....for better or for worse. You have to give him that. As far as I am concerned the Saxena Group has no rights to his spiritual legacy if there is such a thing. Please wake up and see what it is that you are standing for. Don't let your irrational hatred for Parthsarathi take you over.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous...(please chose an id)

I agree with you and don't support any one side of this "divided house". It is easy to see that to "re-register a society in another country when one is refused the "presidency" is "suspect". To attack a person's Ashram and to use violence is "contemptuous". I still forgive them but will not "HIDE" or "FORGET" it. It shows the character of this Group. They are good businessmen but poor "indivuduals" who are addicted to POWER and are "Machievellian" in their approach to life and now, SPIRITUALIY. It seems "contradictory".

Babuji would have to agree that he created a "New Religion" as it was called by Swami Vivekananda in Babuji's "mind" (Autobiograpy of Ram Chandra) as he later said: "Spirituality Unites, Religion Divides"

The Shahjahanpur group of Navneet are the only ones who are not so arrogant as to "communicate" with us and Navneet is the only one not "hiding" anything. Maybe he has nothing left to lose and is now "going Public" which is good. Spirituality should not HIDE...

Look at a picture of Chari and a Picture of Umesh and Navneet...Which one is "arrogant"? Which one is "not spiritual" but struggling for the "material" possessions? Can't tell? Neither can I... the whole sordid mess stinks to high "Brighter World".

I do not hate Chari although I think that he is a "divisive" and self-serving person like most "Capitalists" and "religious" persons. That is why we have so many poor and so many environmental and societal problems. All the so-called "good people" are "self-serving". And the world Socialist agenda is no better but at least, it is philosophically correct in it's "caring for one another" aspects. The reality is not so rosy in the "socialist" camp either. The masses just have to learn to not "kneel" to all these "power hungry" individuals and seek the ONE in their own hearts. I forgive Chari every day in my meditation. (I don't meditate with anyone but with the ONE and the ALL...not in a "religion" or a Religion of ONE...Maybe I'm a "unit-arian"

If you notice anything "irrrational" written by this entity, as in "not making sense", please point it out and I will correct it. Most of my comments are composed as I write and as most "geniuses", I type slower than I I sometimes don't have time to "proof read" all my comments which are getting to be many on this topic.

Thanks for replying. You are one of a few of these (SRCM abhyasis) who are not "totally controlled" and obeying the "METHOD" and who can still think independently and cares enough to take the time to commune (icate) with his "fellow pilgrim"

Safe journey and Happy Winter Solstice (Dec 21st)

Cyril Borg.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your comments. FYI, I am an ex-abhyasi. I left the mission because I realised that no "Method" was going to lead me to the Truth and Chari's emphasis on the "Method" was starting to ring hollow. Chari may have his faults but I feel the abhyasis have themselves to blame. They joined in search of the Truth (hopefully) but they found Chari's charisma instead. They are addicted to it. Serves them right for they have forgotten their true mission. I wouldn't bother about Umesh Saxena et al. I have never heard of a claim to a spiritual mission based on a blood relationship. I would support Chari against such a claim even though Chari's mission is a dead end for serious seekers.

I see that you are more partial towards "socialism", as you describe it. The feeling that one is helping others itself is egotistic and will be cause for further suffering. So salvation does not lie in that direction either. I am a fan of Ramana Maharshi (among others) and his advice would be to find out who is the one that wants to help other people. In other words, find out who you are. Try it.

Happy holidays.

Shashwat said...

Hi Ramana,

I wonder if you are aware of what you are writing or may be you became just emotional, after all this cult control is not only at psychological level, SRCM ™ is such a harmful cult that it simply takes away the victims reasoning and analytical capabilities…

How come you contradicted yourself in two successive posts ?

In your post at DECEMBER 14, 2007 3:52 PM

You have stated :

“At least the "Parathasarathi Group" has made Babuji and his method world famous....for better or for worse. You have to give him that”

and in your very next post at December 15, 2007 12:08 PM

You have stated

“I left the mission because I realised that no "Method" was going to lead me to the Truth and Chari's emphasis on the "Method" was starting to ring hollow”

Kindly explain this contradiction, wherein you support something being propagated which you yourself have experienced to be not worthy of trying ?

Are you OK ?

4d-Don said...

Hi Ramana...

Nice one... I am not familiar with Ramana Maharshi. I presume you mean "Mahareshi"...If that is "you" (your id or "entity"), then I would agree also...If it is "someone else", then I also agree with HIM/HER/IT. (I sometime use the "SHE/HE/IT" as the UNITY for "levity". IF one says it fast, it sounds like "SHIT"...:-))

Lately I have been using ONE (a number as with Plato, and Vivekananda) or THE ALL so as to move away from the Germanic (Gothic) "closed sound" of G-O-D, which is the materialization of an "abstract", or even more rarified "SPIRIT-ual" concept. The "triple bonded" (from Buckminster Fuller) matter, material or crystal manifestation of the illusion is also the instrument used in the mistranslation in the Christian Bible (John 1) of the (4th-5th century) Greek philosophical concept of "LOGOS" (logic as defined by sound using words), that got translated to "WORD" in the English (Germanic/GOTH) language. The word LORD also has Germanic (Goth) origins). In the French Catholic Bible, it is translated as "VERB"... Quite Different! Some translate "logos" as "SPEECH" or the ability to "communicate with "WORDS", and not just "emotional GRUNTS".

A good comment on "socialism" also...

The addiction to "social" work also does not cure the "dis-ease" it claims to address. I meant "on my path" when I meet "stress", caring for the "other" become a way of "survival" as one then "attracts" a equal but "non-local" reaction from such "virtuous" actions.

I have become a believer in "Direct Democracy" as a tool to empower the USER or the true Master, and to remove decsision-making POWER from the SERVANT, the POLITICIAN, on major "directional" survival issues, such as GLOBAL WARMING and WAR...We can't wait for "evolution" of the "capitalist/socialist" merger or purification to take place. We as the PEOPLE have to take "RESPONSIBILITY" for the actions that we FUND through our taxes...

So am I a MUTUALIST?? (some of whom became "anarchists" through impatience and frustration)

Merry Christmas, Hannuka, Ramadan, etc... or NOTHING (Buddhist)...

And hopefully, and journey to you and yours this year...

Soon Religion will be out of our Counting of TIME and Calendrics and we will start counting from an "Astronomical" event and I will then wish you and ALL a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! on a GLOBALLY accepted DATE...It's a DATE!!


Anonymous said...


There are no contradictions in what i have written. That Chari has taken the "Method" and Babuji to all corners of the world is a fact you cannot deny. Since the "Method" does not work, I qualified my comments with "for better or for worse" as opinions may differ. In my case, SRCM's method was a way stop, which, I cannot deny, has taught me something...... like going to kindergarten is required before going to Grade 1. After getting to Grade 1, kindergarten may seem like a waste of time but it was nonetheless necessary. Please don't rebut my last sentence as it is purely a personal experience. I agree with you that the mission has become a personality cult and people who are uncomfortable with it should leave and those who are left there, I presume, approve of whatever is happening. As far as I know the door is wide open. You can enter or leave as you please. It is a free country!

Shashwat said...

Hi Ramana,

I will not respond to the CONTRADICTION aspect of your posts, but will leave it on the reader's to decide if that is contradictory or not. however there are two important area's in your post i will like to highlight, viz.

like going to kindergarten is required before going to Grade 1. After getting to Grade 1, kindergarten may seem like a waste of time

When you talk about soul, or a male god, or universe, its foolish to give such synonyms, this also, as I know has come from Chari’s cultic mind only, which you have simply repeated.

What is the goal of Sahaj Marg ™ © ® ? Complete union with the God... and who is God ? Chari ... so Sahaj Marg ™ © ® is complete union with Chari.. method... TRANSMISSION. This is a brand new definition of spirituality, also it is ©, and trademark registered, court case about ownership of these trademark etc is however pending!!

It is the process of unlearning, if you hold the veda's as the supreme authority... finally you will find the fact, that Veda's say "Neti Neti" "not this not that", it cannot be expressed, it cannot be explained, and it cannot be transmitted by a vampire for sure....

Sahaj Marg ™ © ® is just a manipulating and brainwashing cult, nothing more then that. This is what is needed to be understood and exposed for the victims to start the process of DE-TRANSMISSION.

Unlearning has to be more rigorous then learning.

This is how cult control works, You have been manipulated, controlled and brainwashed to believe what is fed into your mind, of-course you are not aware of this mind control applied on you. Your personality is all TRANSMITTED and you have became a “LIVING DEAD” a zombie. You have lost your originality, and wait for transmission to happen, just like in case of a drug addict, who is useless, all the time, when not under influence of drug, becomes active for sometime when s/he gets a dose of drug (TRANSMISSION/HYPNOSYS).

Zombie’s have no identity of their own, but are all TRANSMITTED by CHARI. This is the most dangerous aspect of this cult. It is because of this mind control only that we have suicide bomber’s operating today !!! they are also under control of another person, and as Chari say’s “DEDICATE YOURSELF TO SAHAJ MARG ™ © ® ” those who operate such suicide squad also brainwash victims similarly by asking them to become dedicated to the mission.

We don’t blame the victim, but the cult figure chari for his selfishness, he has crossed all border’s of ethic’s and morality, standardized by society we live in, cult figure chari, has created a secret society, which acts as a safe heaven for the otherwise losers and those who are not fit to live in a moral and ethical society. Sahaj Marg ™ © ® society is the society of all the adulterous and women’s having illicit relationship’s, which is triggered during this one to one transmission and then it is blamed on unbridled passion of the victim.

As far as I know the door is wide open. You can enter or leave as you please. It is a free country!

This is the fundamental tool of manipulation, (the door is wide open) once transmitted, as in case of a drug addict, it requires a drug re-habilitation center to come out of this cult control. You yourself are demonstrating that getting out of this cult control is close to impossible for the victim, on its own. The cobweb of vampires (preceptor’s) is present in most of the cities. The victim needs psychological and emotional healing, and absolute isolation and safety from these sex frustrated vampires (preceptor’s) Please read your post, you have experienced that the METHOD is not worthy of trying, but still you support Chari and his henchman’s for the criminal acts they did/doing will continue to do, if not exposed !! WHY ? answer is this cult control, the TRANSMISSION and the brainwashing. Getting out of cult control needs a lot more then a blog or internet, the blogs communities and website, will only trigger the questioning process, that too internally, it needs great amount of courage, to speak out, given the fact that the “self” is the first object which is closed by these cult’s. we need to be close to ourselves first, only then can we rely on our strength. But incase of Sahaj Marg ™ © ® it is Chari who takes all places in the victims life… meditation needs a preceptor!! thereby killing all scope of personal freedom and growth, that which is confined cannot grow. Spirituality cannot be confined within political boundaries of a country or a mission or a cult or a person, it is universal. This cult attempts to confine spirituality in cult figure’s which is absolute nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Hi all...

Interesting exhange...

Not to change the subject but, this was left on my blog under the article called: Summary of Contradictory Fact (SRCM Intrigues) at:

My reply is below!

dear brothers/sisters,

lalaji brought babuji from bhuma for the nature's work. babuji had taken dr.k.c.varadhachari and saint kasturi to the ultimate. also babuji had taken some abyasis to the central region. they are chariji, k.c.narayana, ragavendra rao, umesh sexena etc., but these persons slowly after babuji's mahasamadhi disintigrated into several groups and lost the original source. except saint kasturi none has the capacity to transmit the ultimate power. therefore, there is no use of going to these persons for spiritual progress. i have been in our mission for the last 40 years and this is my experience.except behanji( saint kasturi) rest everyone is either for power, name or a brother abyasi i sicerely request everyone to approch sister saint kasturi if you realy need spiritual benifit.

December 15, 2007 11:17:00 PST PM

this is Don..

Hi anonymous...(please call yourself by another "id"..)
Thanks for your comments but...

If Chari and his group are an indication of what the CENTRAL REGION is, then we in our countries have "more elevated" regions than that and some of our "saints" do not resort to such "lowly" and "contemptable" tactics.

Maybe some of you who are "close" to the ONE (What some call by the Germanic (Gothic) word GOD), you can tell IT (not male and not a person) that IT'S representatives are not acting in a "civilized" manner and should be called to account as soon as possible before they bring our planet to war yet again in the name of: "GOD IS ON OUR SIDE" or "MY RELIGION (or country) RIGHT OR WRONG"

They are teaching that to the next generation of Children, your children, and then you will send these children and "representatives" to our shores as "recruiters" of our families and friends...

CLEAN UP YOUR OWN BACK YARD before you spread that disease to the World via the UN DPI also... That is not a "Product" that is beneficial to society and the PLANET...We need to come together and to learn from one another. These are not MASTERS of anything except the same "PROBLEM" and ATTITUDE that brought the Planet to the point where we are at.

These are TIMES of REFORMATION (that means to FORM AGAIN) and to do it right this time...Those who go to INDIA to find SPIRITUALITY and come back to our families with that "disease" are going to be "shunned" by us and marginalized so as to protect our families and friends...

Our Native Spirituality is much more in Harmony with Nature and MORE NATURAL than the SRCM of Chari.

Michael, (ex preceptor and inner circle of Chari member) said that UMESH was not even into "spirituality" when he was in India...Is that true?

There is no "REGION" closer to the ONE than any other. We are all CLOSE TO THE ONE...

All the other "IDOLS" of yours are made of CLAY and not worthy of our consideration...If they are "saintly" let them live a saintly life and leave the World to find the ONE on their own...IT will take less time than by travelling to INDIA to find SRCM and Chari et al, or other "pretenders" and increasing the "carbon footprint" so as to "FIND" the ONE which is everywhere...even HERE where we live!!



December 16, 2007 11:36:00 PST AM

Anonymous said...

Hi all

If being close to Saints, as all of you want to call Babuji, Lalaji et al., does not "rub off" any better than what we have witnessed for the last few years, on those who are close to them (family, successors, etc.) and that the minute they are gone, you all "fight" so as to control the "material" thus demonstrating to all, that you have not become "spiritual" or near the "Central Region" as you "preach" to others, and seem to want the world to become, then what is your "spirituality" or your "modified Raja Yoga" good for. It has not been good for my family, and friends, society, country, etc...

Is Sahaj Marg, born from questionable ethical and machievellian conduct, simply a "disease" that makes all who come near it arrogant, narcissistic, and servant of the apocalyptic "Beast" of LUST, MATERIALISM, POWER, VIOLENCE, etc.. and God knows what else will come out of the MEDIA in coming years.

Sexual misconduct (under the guise of "arranged marriages" and preceptor in-appropriations) is now "surfacing" and we hear of more than we are reporting. But it will soon come out also. It can't be contained. What else?

We know of free travelling and lodging for the "Inner circle" and the "entourage" of Chari, the wealthy "businessmen" who are searching for new markets spending their free time in "Dubai". Then the fees for seminars etc..are waived (according to Chari, who lectures the Europeans if they attempt to charge his "entourage", so that these businessmen can access an "obedient" foreign market of thousands who "worship" them as "special" or "IDOLS"... Is there a "kick-back" on BOOKS and other "souvenirs" such as the iconography of pictures, tapes, videos, etc...of their IDOLS? We know of the 'donation" stamp on the back of the "meal receipts"! We also know (Elodie's blog) about the "cash" money (no cheques) that is carried across "national boundaries" so as to avoid the national taxes. (money laundering at the highest level)

We know of self-professed "reverends", MASTERS, SAINTS, and MESSIAH and SAVIOURS in our WESTERN WORLD but we catholics took away some of their POWER through the REFORMATION and later Democracy of the "protestant" churches, in the "dark ages", that brought us in the west, the "Enlightement" or the "Renaissance" (re-birth).

Where is the "Martin Luther" in Sahaj Marg who will emulate the medieval monk, and nail a proclamation to the door of the ASHRAM, demanding JUSTICE from the Pyramidal BEAST that is the MANAGEMENT TEAM of the corrupt METHOD, the Trinity of the 3M's? No LIONS or WOLVES in Sahaj Marg? Or maybe just the "cowardly" lions on their way to the Fantasyland of OZ or the mythic "Brighter World" of Chari...

And still you "transmit" and receive that corruption from your "preceptors", and you PREACH" to others, just like the "televangelists" on our WEstern TVs who manipulate the "poor" who can't afford the "best medicine" that the wealthy can (so we don't see the "rich" in the crowds of the POOR, blacks, and white looking for Miracles). The same miracles that the Sahaj Marg POOR abhyasis want: Transmission of Corruption and Erasing of Samskaras...the Sahaj Marg "MIRACLES", by the Charlatans who speak with both sides of their mouths. A few years ago, before the INTERNET, they would have gotten away with it...NOT ANYMORE!! NEVER AGAIN!!

Some (how about "ONE") of you who still have some ethics and "honour" left should tell the UN DPI program and your Federal Government about this "scandal", so that all your nationals who travel around the world, are not tainted by this crowd of "self-serving", arrogant, Master-race, megalomaniacs that the SRCM management team seems to be.

I don't care which faction is the "best", as far as I am concerned, this is a BAD PRODUCT and it taints all who hang around it. Like a virulent disease, it should be contained in YOUR AREA and let your justice system or your spiritual MASSES deal with you and THEM... I'm sure the "spiritual" Masses in India will be "LOGICAL" and treat you with the same respectful "spirituality" you treat them and others...(such as the family of the FOUNDER, and the divided families of abhyasis around the world)


PS..If there is a brave revolutionary such as "Martin Luther" in Sahaj Marg, conduct a poll and see how many Sahaj Marg families are "divided", seperated, or the husband is "deceased" since Sahaj Marg. The numbers are high in my area... We now know of the Family of Umesh is now "seperated" by un-natural death of the husband, according to the family. HOW MANY MORE?


Anonymous said...


Are you blaming SRCM for the "unnatural death" in the family of Umesh?

Anonymous said...

please read the translated newspaper cutting at Don's blogs.

D. Krishna further said that news of death of Umesh Chandra saxsena reached their family member’s later and these people knew before hand that Umesh Chandra has expired, he stated that, Krishna tondon had called me and informed me that Umesh Chandra has expired, whereas I was unaware of it. A day before youngest son of Umesh got engaged in Barrali, and I was present there, next day I returned to Shahjahanpur and Umesh Chandra left for Noida, where he felt a bit uneasy, and hence went to hospital, and died there.
D. Krishna has further said, that Babuji’s death is also part of conspiracy hatched by Chennai group people only, as he also died of poisoning, he suspected that even Umesh Chandra death is also due to poisoning only

Chari's hanchman's in action... Spiritual group ? love ? brotherhood ? and Chari!!! is any thinking power left in zombie's ?

Death, murder, intimidation, suffering, agony, is the consequence, sequence is Chari, and his selfishness, his lust for money, power, status, sex, and what not...

Anonymous said...

How could the "Chennai grooup" have access to Umesh Saxena enough to have poisoned him? Looks like an inside job by the Shahjahanpur group. Did they get a post mortem done tp establish poisoning?

Anonymous said...

From SRCM Shahjahanpur site:-

Question 3 Whether any person can declare/ nominate/ make a will in favour of any person who has attempted on the life of any person bequeathing the rights.
Answer: No
It is to bring to the notice amongst all the abhyasis of the fact that there have been several attempts on the life of our Revered Master and Guru since 1974 by P. Rajagopalachari whereby P. Rajagopalachari succeeded in his final attempt by poisoning our Guru Pujya Babuji Maharaj while traveling from Paris to India. Thereafter Babuji Maharaj took Mahasamadhi on 19.4.1983.

To support this argument, there is a neutral observation also, this will help understand, how eger was Chari, about Babuji's death.!!

Please Read this :-

Ramachandra of Ramachandra mission

The third saint whom my wife and myself served was Ramachandra of Ramachandra mission of Sahajahanpur in Uttarpradesh. When I was admitted in the private ward at AIIMS, New Delhi, my daughter Hima as a child peeped every room and made friendship. She entered into minister’s room and had a chat with him. She told me “Dad, there is a Swamy ji at the end of the corridor. He has lots of visitors”. On her suggestion, I peeped into the room. An eighty-year-old gentleman was lying in coma. Next to Him, a nurse was standing. When I entered the room, Parthasarathy His follower introduced me to his wife and the nurse, and told me about Swamy ji. In the meanwhile, I saw blood was profusely bleeding from tracheotomy tube. Had I not seen it, Swamy ji situation would have been worse. Surprisingly, Mrs. Parthasarathy or the nurse did not notice the same. Immediately, my wife and myself contacted the doctors and got the bandage made. This is how we served even the third Swamy ji as predicted by Balaji. Actually, my destiny of serving three saints or sanyasies in my life was over by early 1983.

I hope this clarifies, Chari's intention's.

Spiritual ?

Start Thinking.

Anonymous said...


You have quoted from the plantiff's website which should to be totally discounted and can not be relied upon to be impartial. How can it be?

Your second quote does not prove Chari tried to poison Babuji as the bleeding was not noticed by the nurse either. There is no hint there that he suspected it was attempted murder or even negligence. The proof does not stack up. If this is the best proof you have, you should not make such an allegation.

Anonymous said...

this is an open forum, anyone can answer to any question, or putup a question, I am not a blogger of SRCM, an observer only.

"the plantiff's website which should to be totally discounted"

Why should victims view be totally discounted ? they say their father was murdered... why not to beleive them but to beleive someone who has snatched not only property, but has misused name of the family also ? immediatly after death of Babuji ?? probably you speak coz of preconditioning of mind.

"the bleeding was not noticed by the nurse either."

So this gives a clean chit to Chari ? who immediatly after death of Babuji filed a court case about he being the SPIRITUAL REPREENTATIVE OF BABUJI ?


Anonymous said...

Dear c,

The "proof" does not prove a thing. It is all speculation. The family should put their money where their mouths are and proceed against Chari for murder! But of course they can't because, remember, they have no proof. I have no pity for these losers.

Anonymous said...

What is the "proof" that Chari is the MASTER of Humanity? other then that he claims so....

If you accept that claim, then accept this also... after all both are claims only ! In second case we have atleast two deaths and photographs from newspaper that Chari group induldged in criminal acts, which supports claim of the family and negates claim of Chari, if murder, violence, greed is what is understood as spirituality in Chari's version of SRCM, i accept they are the most spiritual group that humanity ever had in entire history, if selflessness, purity of thoughts and absolute detachment from wealth, position, power, and compassion for all humanity is spirituality, then i am afried, Chari group does not exist in that context.


Anonymous said...


I don't accept either claim, but you seem to have accepted one claim over the other without sufficient proof. Now, who needs to wake up?

Anonymous said...

Now, who needs to wake up?


I find sufficent scope of doubt, in Chari's intention, after viewing how he has been collecting money "IN CASH" from europe, also the well planned (!) attack immediatly after Umesh's death, and then, the way he has been building castles after castles in name of his son... these things are not spiritual, if he can lie for something that serious, we can accept with certain more degree of ease, that he can lie for murder also..


Anonymous said...


There is nothing to choose between the two. Both are egotistic. One wants MORE Abhyasis, MORE Ashrams, More money and the other wants his grandfather's "legacy"...why?.. to satisfy the ego. We can only have an argument on the degree of greed. There is no interest of the poor seeker (abhyasi) in either camp.

Anonymous said...

thanks... couldn’t agree with you more, just that i personally do not see any wrong in maintaining the family "legacy"... is this not the way our societies are build ? we all want to maintain our family honor and protect its legacy.

Fighting for maintaining family honor is by no means a selfish act, as far as i understanding indian social system, this is the way it is. Chari's act i could not compare with any recognized societal behavior, but could only find selfishness, lust for money, power, and God like status, this must come to an end, Sahaj Marg does not deserve to exist any more!!


Anonymous said...


A comment on your last post. No spiritual organisation has been passed on from father to son to grandson in India or, indeed, anywhere in the world. Businesses leadership is oftentimes passed on as legacy from father to son and so on, but never a spiritual organisation worth its salt. Even business leadership successions are based, now-a-days, on ability and professional leadership qualities not on family relationships.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous

I was reading the blog your views
"No spiritual organisation has been passed on from father to son to grandson in India or, indeed, anywhere in the world. Businesses leadership is oftentimes passed on as legacy from father to son and so on, but never a spiritual organisation worth its salt."

I think you don't belong to India or know of the Guru parampara in India.
Let me clarify that there are two types of Gurus on is Sanyasi Guru (Guru who is not married and does not have children) and the other is Grahastha Guru (Guru who is married and has children)in Hindus.
In case of SAnyasi Guru the seat of Guru is tansferred by Guru to his chosen abhyasi.
While in case of Grahastha Guru Parampara. It is always his son who takes over his seat.
If I am not wrong RamChandra ji was a Grahastha Guru with family. So as per Guru Parampara of India It is logical that the Guru chooses from amongst his son to be his successor.
More over if you read the srcmshahjahanpur site the article "Who Can be a Successor & Spiritual Representative" the Legal Advisor has cited a clause in the Constitution of the society Shriramchandramission that the founder has kept the provisions clear that the successor would only be in direct line of succession.
Why are we than wasting our time discussing on this subject. The day this society was made and the day xyz joined this society should have read the provisions and there seems to be a useless battle going on.
Any sane person joining should read the organization before joining the same.
Infact instead of wasting time in contradicting each other if you want to decide on who is the right person, I would suggest that you should meet tham and experience if there is any spiritual so called transmission claimed by this system and by whom.
It seems to be a very simple proof.
As far as courts is concerned even they will go by documents and proofs and proofs as I see look to be in favour of Ram chandra ji's grandson as there are no counters in form of written docs from chari ji's side
Rest I would as an outsider suggest that you should once try and feel the essence from each rather than going by their age and experience. Because as far as I have read through the on web elsewhere that Shri RAm Chandra ji had taken over from Lalaji in 1932, he also must be in 30's when he took over I have also read that there were many factions then too. This has been the history of most of the Spiritual personalities in India. For instance even Swami Vivekananda ji was not taken by everybody who followed Parmahansa ji. But one thing is sure seeing the article of the Legal advisor it seems to be clear that from the day Shri Ram Chandra mission was conceptualised the future line of successors seems to be defined in its constitution.
It is a pity that you have joined the organization without reading its documents and are being carried away by various forces. I think you should blame yourself.
As far as example of todays business houses are concerned. I don't think that you can compare spirituality with business.

Anonymous said...

Dear ananymous,

Thank you for the post. You have said:

"While in case of Grahastha Guru Parampara. It is always his son who takes over his seat."

Would be grateful if you could direct me to any resource on the internet or otherwise where this is explained.

Secondly, is there a definition for the term "direct line of succession". Does it mean dynastic succession? The case seems to hinge on this. If it indeed means what you say, it is an open and shut case. Why should it drag through the courts for so long? If this interpretation is correct, what you will end up with is an "administrator" not a guru, in the true sense of the term who can guide another to the goal. A spiritual mission headed by an "administrator" is worthless. Who needs it? We have thousands of such bogus organisations in India.

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous

As far as Grihastya Guru Parampara is concerned. This is a amongst the hindus and is discussed. I really don't know if such a thing is available in on net.

Please read the article on the srcmshahjahanpur site the article "Who Can be a Successor & Spiritual Representative" by the Legal Advisor againbefore declaring him as a simple 'Administrator' by you.
One there is no word called administrator.
Two read following the lines below in conjunction with each other as per the article.
"the President of the Society would be the spiritual representative in the direct line of succession who shall possess the powers, authority vested upon him to manage, control the affairs of the Society Shri Ram Chandra Mission. The clauses 3(b) and 4 (h) of the registered by laws of Shri Ram Chandra Mission is enumerated below.
3(b) It shall work under the sole guidance and control of the Founder or his Spiritual Representative, in the direct line of succession; and he shall be the President of the Mission.
4(h) He shall nominate among his spiritual successors, any person as his representative, who as such will enjoy all the power and authority vested in the President."

It seems clear that Spiritual successor is to be in Direct line of succession
three it is also clear that the spritual successor shall be the the president.

The article if you read further also refers to statement below
The manuscripts of the said directions have already been published in the book Divya Adesh Part 2 / Divine Order (Vol. 2) for reference to all abhyasis/ members and to the community at large. Extract from the original diaries of Babuji Maharaj written in Urdu and English is provided for your ready reference as follows:

It seems incomplete and we would request Navneet to give the actual version in urdu and English to ascertain the claim made by the legal advisor.
But apparently it is clear that spiritual representative had to be from amongst his sons only as the law in 1944 was that direct line of succession meant legitimate sons. (geneology) for proof look into website
Details are "Direct Line: If one cannot draw a direct line from one's self back to an ancestor that held the title, one is not in the line of succession. Titles are inherited from one's parent or grand-parent, sometimes several generations removed, but never from one's sibling, uncle or cousin; nor does one become eligible to inherit a title by marriage....."

Evidently, It is clear that in this society the president has to be the spiritual successor of Shri Ram Chandra ji and that the spiritual succesor is in his direct line of succession only as the word "only" too is written.

Hence when you joined this society the above was clear on that very day.

Moreover, if you note the word 'representative' has been used hence one more thing is clear that the person who shall be spirual successor / President shall only represent him. I am sure if Navneet comes out with the incomplete information things will be clearer.

I would request Navneet and the Legal Advisor to come out with the complete urdu and English translation of what he is referring in the article.

Hope things are clear now.

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,

Thanks for the clarifications. You seem to be quite knowledgeable regarding this matter.

A small point I noted. Clause 4(h) talks of "spiritual sucessors". It is not clear if this person should be in the "direct line of sucession" and is the same as "Spiritual representative" mentioned in clause 3(b).

However, if Chari's nomination is fraudulent, he has no claim at all. His goose is cooked. I wonder why the courts are taking so long in deciding in favour of the Sahjahanpur group?

Anonymous said...

what has happened to the domain dispute ? those criminals got this domain as well ? as they did with ?

pls respond

Elodie said...

What happens to ?
Who knows ? Please tell us on
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Dear Readers
As far as the website of the SRCM, Shajahanpur, UP group is conerned, ( ) Mr.Chari and his worthy associates have shown their might and money power. Actually, they were nervous to see various facts/documentary evidences against Mr. Chari, they adopted all means to block the website of the SRCM, Shajahanpur, UP group and temporarily they are successful. Things happend like this :

(1)Mr.Chari and his worthy associates made complaints to M/s NIXI (National Internet Exchange of India) that the website of the SRCM, Shajahanpur, UP group is illegal.
(2)M/s NIXI appointed arbitrator for the case without even informing the SRCM, Shajahanpur group, which is against the Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act2
1996. As per the act, arbitrator is to be appointed in agreement of both the groups.
(3)The said arbitrator, passed order against the SRCM, Shajahanpur group on x-party basis without giving any opportunity to the SRCM, Shajahanpur group to defend the case.
(4) M/s NIXI implemented the order (by way of blocking the web-site) without even serving the order. Can any oreder to implelented without serving it ?
(5) SRCM, Shajahanpur group immediately approached the Allahabad High Court against the order. Unfortunately Allahabad High Court also upheld the order passed by the arbitrator appointed by M/s NIXI, saying that M/s NIXI is not a Govt. Organisation ( even though M/s NIXI is a semi Govt. Organisation)
(6)As a last step, SRCM, Shajahanpur group, approached the Supreme Court of India. The hon'ble Judges of the Supreme Court of India easily got to know the misdeeds done by Mr.Chari and his worthy associates, which is clear from the order passed by the Supreme court, "The appointment of the arbitrator was done without consulting the petitioner herein and since the rules and regulations of the disputes' resolution policy of respondent no.2 (Mr. Char & associates) were found to be inconsistent with the Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act2
1996". Accordingly, the Supreme court passed the order saying "The petitioner (SRCM, Shajahanpur group) could not challenge the award earlier therefore, we grant two weeks' time to the petitioner to challenge the award of the arbitrator before the appropriate forum".

For further details of the judgement, please go to the following address:

Hope, now it is clear, how the site( is temporarily blocked and how Mr.Chari and his worthy associates temporarily won the case.

Now the stage is open to the whole world to decide the fate of Mr.Chari and his worthy associates. May God bless them according to their misdeeds !!!

Shashwat said...

when matter is in supreme court of India, how is it that an arbitrator give such a decision ? does this not amount to contempt of court ? a ruling over decision of supreme court ? this is strange !

Anonymous said...


Could you upload all the proof's somewhere on net (like blogs/personal websites etc for the time being till ownership case is not resolved!)

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your comment...

Since you don't know, you should not speak to that issue and stick to what you know...

We had lived together for 35 years and had forgiven one another all that time for our daily mistakes.
And we did all that for 35 years without being "Christians". Forgiveness was our strength. The LOVE was taken out of the
relationship by Sahaj Marg so that "Forgiveness" was not possible anymore for the one caught in the CULT. That scheming was done by preceptors and other abhyasis and was not there before, and is not "by accident" but "by design". Read of others in Europe and in North America. We wanted to UNITE the world, not DIVIDE our families in the name of yet another RELIGION to a MALE GOD with OBEDIENCE as the LAW!!

To new abhyasis: Beware of "seminars" in other towns that become schemes and conspiracies to get the single abhyasis "together". Seminars are "match making events". Women with men, men with women... That is only one of the schemes that break up families. And watch your CHILDREN, the new target of SRCM(tm). These structures will attract all sorts of DEVIANTS and as other POWER structures, will create DEVIANTS!!

Then there is the MONEY!! SRCM targeted older women and "mental health" therapists (Psy's) at first and now is focussed on, and attracts the nationalist children of the wealthy who immigrate to our countries to attend university or to work, for fill their "organizational" positions and sucks more money out of our POOR families than those families can afford. Like all other "Pyramids" it attracts the gullible disempowered dreaming of, and wanting more POWER, and the "opportunists" who use the PYRAMID to increase their own POWER. Does the POWER TRICKLE DOWN as the theory claims? IT DIVIDES that is sure...inside and outside!!

IT AIN'T SPIRITUALITY but RELIGION and their own criteria!!

To say that NOW, in our family, we have a "difference" is accurate, but that difference was created and cultivated by a NEW RELIGION or a Personality CULT of Businessmen that re-directs that LOVE that should remain in the family and among the members of that family. That LOVE was to go to "one another" and it was "STOLEN" as by a thief, and re-directed to the MASTER and the MISSION and the METHOD. There is a "METHOD" to this MADNESS that DIVIDES where ever it GOES...

Chari could before his death, encourage (or order) all his "DIVIDED" flock to UNITE with their FAMILIES!! But that would be SAINTLY and he ain't THAT!!

We have witnessed the same process in those families where one member (usually the woman) is ensnared in other religions or cults and the other partner (usually the man), does not "BELIEVE" in the "SCAM"...The Religion/Cult empowers and uses the FEMALE and divides the family. Look at the aboriginal population and Christianity. That population (the men) is now returning to their traditional "SPIRITUALITY" and still, the churches on the reserves are attended by a few old WOMEN. That Church still is in charge of the "many burials" that take place among the youth of our NATIVE communities.

IF gullible, naive or "disempowered" women did not "do the dirty work", or as Chari says and encourages in one of his books (to), "sell themselves" to those "RELIGIONS", they would not thrive.

Come on WOMEN, get up off your KNEES and support your families and your own SPIRITUALITY, not the RELIGIOUS and SPIRITUAL SCAMS of STRANGERS!!

WE are all tucked inside the ONE (God) where we LIVE!!

Chari, at his death, will have his "orgy" of EGO at his funeral...

Who will celebrate at the family funerals of the HUMBLE ONES HE DIVIDED? IS there not a KARMIC debt here? Will Sahaj Marg erase those SAMSKARAS... I think LIFE is JUST. That KARMA could be realized on VENUS, no doubt, which is where Chari thinks he is going after this LIFE!! Venus is a good place for those who are caught in an illusion. The Egyptians of 3 millenia ago would have gone to the SUN at least.

Babuji's stolen ring (with 9 planets arranged in 3 rows of 3) will not save him as without PLUTO, there are only 8 planets in our SOLAR system and that is the correct symetry. 4 planets of gas and 4 planets of crystal for an OCTAVE of consciousness so as to be free from the illusory attraction of our GALAXY and to go further than VENUS at the very least...

MAYBE BABUJI is wise after all...


Anonymous said...

Dear All

The judgement of Supreme court awaited since long has been released and is as under.

Appeal (civil) 6619 of 2000

Shri Ram Chandra Mission & Anr

P. Rajagopalachari & Ors

DATE OF JUDGMENT: 29/04/2008





1. Challenge in this appeal is to the judgment of a Division
Bench of the Allahabad High Court. By a common judgment
several civil appeals were heard together and disposed of. A
common link in all these appeals was the decision of a
religious cum Philanthropic Society named Sh. Ram Chandra
Mission. It was established by a late Sh. Ram Chandra Ji
Maharajan and on his death disputes arose. The disputes
essentially relate to spiritual heirship to control the affairs of
the mission. Series of litigation was resulted and the four
special leaves before the High Court were summed up and by
the impugned order the High Court held that all the four
appeals were to be dismissed. Before the Division Bench
orders of learned Single Judge were challenged. The relief
sought for were categorized under five heads.

1. Grant of letters of administration in favour of
Sri U.C. Saxena in respect of the properties of
Sri Ram Chandra Mission through out India
and abroad.
2. Declaration and Sri Umesh Chandra Saxena
was the President of the Mission and the
second petitioner was the Secretary thereof.
3. An interim grant during pendency of the
4. In the alternative appointment of a receiver in
respect of the entire estate of deceased Sr.
Ram Chandra Mission, and
5. Any other relief.

2. The special leaves were filed by Umesh Chandra Saxena
and others, Uma Shankar and Another, the present appellants
and another. Special leave by the Umesh Chandra Saxena and
Anr. Sri. P. Rajagopalichari were the respondent while in the
first special leave by Umesh Chandra Saxena and Anr. The
Administrative General, U.P. Allahabad and others were the
3. Background facts as highlighted by the appellant in this
appeal are as follows:
Sh. Ram Chandra Mission-Society was registered,
established and founded by Maharaj, Shri Ram Chandra Ji
Maharaj with its constitution, bye laws and Memorandum of
Society on 21.7.1995. Purportedly there was a covering letter
to the intimation dated 23.3.1974 alleged to have been
executed by the founder in favour of respondent P.
Rajagopalachari. This intimation according to the appellant
was the result of manipulation and fraud. The nomination
was declared him to be the president of society and clearly
stated that he shall work for the Mission and he is "President
of Sahaj Marga System". On 16.4.1982 nomination was
executed in favour of Shri Umesh Chandra Saxena as spiritual
representative in the direct line of succession and he was
nominated as the successor or President under Rules 3 and 4
of the registered constitution, bye laws of the society. The
nomination/declaration clearly stated that the previous
nomination if any made by the founder stand superseded and
cancelled. Founder - Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj breathed
his last on 19.4.983. On 4.1.1984 a civil suit was filed by
three members of the Society in the Court of Civil Judge,
Shahjanpur who granted ex-parte injunction restraining P.
Rajgopalachari from acting as President. On 6.2.1984 and
7.2.1984 working Committee meeting was held at head
quarters and after perusal of booklet Sh. U.C. Saxena was
declared as a successor or President and also the spiritual
representation in the direct line of succession on the basis of
nomination of 16.4.1982. The claim of P. Rajgopalachari
based on the alleged nomination dated 23.3.1994 was treated
as rejected. On 8.2.1984 General Body was held at the head
quarter of the Society and the claim of Sh. Umesh Chandra
Saxena was approved and he was declared as spiritual
representative in the direct line of succession and also as the
successor or President of the society. Claim of P.
Rajgopalachari based on the alleged nomination was rejected.
On 15.2.1982 a circular was issued by Secretary Sh. S. A.
Sarnad informing all members regarding the declaration of Sh.
Umesh Chandra Saxena as Successor President and the
spiritual representative in the direct line of succession. An
amendment was carried out to the Societies Registration Act,
1860 on 30.4.1984. Section 3(A) was amended by the
substitution of sub section 4 of Section 3(A) and addition of a
proviso to Section 4(1). By virtue of Section 3(a)(4). List of the
members of the managing Committee Body elected was
required to be filed. Ex-parte injunction was granted on
4.1.1984 was confirmed on 9.4.1984. In appeal by respondent
No. 1, P. Rajgopalachari the High Court granted stay of
injunction. The High Court allowed the first appeal and set
aside the injunction order. SLP filed against the order of the
High Court was dismissed by this Court on 27.9.1985. The
suit was subsequently withdrawn on 10.7.1997 on giving of an
undertaking not to alignate and not to shift the head quarters.
On 23.1.1988 elections were held at the head quarters in
accordance with Section 3(A)(4) and Section 4 and the office
bearers were duly elected Sh. S.P. Srivastava as President and
Sh. B.D. Mahajan as Secretary respectively. On 24.4.1990 in
proceeding under Section 25 of the Act report of the Tehsildar
counter signed by the SDM as the prescribed authority under
Section 25 was passed recognizing the representation of
aforesaid two persons as the President and Secretary. On
29.7.1991 another report was given by the tehsildar and K.G.
in a proceeding under Section 25 recognising the same
position. The aforesaid reports were questioned on behalf of
respondent No. 1 before the prescribed authority by an
application called SU-2/91 the application was rejected by the
prescribed authority and earlier reports were confirmed. An
application was moved by 75 members of the society for action
under Section 25(2) of the Act on 20.4.1993. On 15.2.1994
elections were held and Sh. Umesh Chandra Saxena and
Sh.K.V. Reddy were elected as President and Secretary
respectively. on 29.9.1994 the Assistant Registrar passed
order holding that since the Constitution provides for
nomination of President election cannot be conducted. He also
held that in view of the interim orders in civil suit OS (No.) 200
of 1983 the respondent No. 1 P. Rajagopalachari shall
continue to work as President. As noted above the suit was
withdrawn on 10.7.1997 with liberty to file fresh suit. On
10.7.1997 writ petition No. 37023 of 1994 filed against the
order dated 29.9.1994 was dismissed by learned Single Judge.
On 24.11.1998 the Division Bench dismissed the special leave
No. 580 of 1987 holding that since under the Rules of the
society the post of the President and Members of the working
committee is not an elected one, Section 25 would not come
out and took play. The High Court, however held that
Registrar had no authority to direct anybody to continue an
office. It was further held that the application under Section
25(2) itself was untenable and so was the writ petition. On
22.1.1999 elections were held and again Umesh Chandra
Saxena and Sh. K. V. Reddy were elected as President and
Secretary in accordance with the amended provisions of the
Act. On 3.11.2003 Sh. Umesh Chandra Saxena expired and
Navneet Kumar Saxena was elected unanimously as the
President of the Society in an emergent meeting which was
held at Hyderabad by working committee. The general Body
on 22.11.2003 had approved and confirmed the election of the
Navneet Kumar Saxena as the President of the society.
Further the amendment proposed and adopted by the General
body of the society, in order to make the rules in consonance
of the provisions of the Act. On 12.2.2005 elections were held
in the society for electing the Managing committee and again
Navneet Kumar Saxena and K. V. Reddy was elected as the
president and Secretary respectively.

4. Primarily the stand is that if Section 3(A)(4) as introduced
by Act 11 of 1984 cannot be given a restricted meaning. If it is
elected to Managing Body "elected" then the provision made
would be rendered "nugatory". It is intended to provide that
even if Rules, say otherwise "elections" has to be introduced,
Section4 (Proviso) is also relevant. The stand is that earlier
there was no need for list of elected members as there was no
elected member. So the purpose is to have elected members.
Section 4 speaks of an annual list. If the intention was that
the members were to be elected, the legislature could have
said so specifically without leaving it to be inferred by
implication. Section 27 provides for the consequence for non
compliance with Section 4. It is stated that the position in
1975 was that chosen includes "election". Now, it only means
elected by implication and that to be read in the line of Section
3(A) and 4 proviso, it is pointed out that Section 25(2) refers
to election and the remedy to challenge. If there is no remedy
nobody is left remedyless. Alternatively, it is submitted that
assuming it is to be done by nomination, P. Rajgopalachari
could have been nominated, but it has been annulled on
16.4.1982 as Umesh Chandra Saxena remains nominated. It
is pointed out that role as President of the Sahaj Marg system
is different. The application filed by Sh. Rajgopalachari has to
be tested as per clause 3(b), these were not challenged and
Rajgopalchari cannot have nay role to play. P.Rajgopalachari
could not have been nominated because he is not in the direct
line of succession. In any event, after passing of order dated
16.4.1982 he has no role to play. The working committee's
decision, resolution of the General Body all are of similar
effect. The stand is strongly opposed by the respondent to say
that nomination were not merely in respect of the Sahaj Marg
system system but it was in respect of President itself.

5. It is pointed out that the earlier suit having direct effect
was withdrawn and the effect of it has to be considered. The
effect of the withdrawal of a suit has been considered by this
Court in K. Sivaramaiah v. Rukmani Ammal [2004(1) SCC
471]. It was inter alia observed as follows:

"So far as Original Suit No. 7359 of 1989 is
concerned, the findings recorded in the
judgment therein could have constituted res
judicata but the fact remains that the
appellate court permitted the withdrawal of the
suit and once the suit has been permitted to
be withdrawn all the proceedings taken therein
including the judgment passed by the trial
court have been wiped out. A judgment given
in a suit which has been permitted to be
withdrawn with the liberty of filing a fresh suit
on the same cause of action cannot constitute
res judicate in a subsequent suit filed
pursuant to such permission of the court."

6. It is not necessary to deal with the true import of
Sections 3(A) and 4. It would be appropriate to direct that the
pending suit shall be decided within a period of six months.

7. The effect and relevance of any proceedings which have
attained finality shall be duly considered in the pending suit.
It is open to the parties to move for such interim protection as
the circumstances warrant. The appeal stands disposed of
accordingly. No order as to costs.

The same can be viewed at the following address


Anonymous said...

Hi Navneet...

Thank you for sharing you info on the Judgement...

It leaves me confused...could you explain in "common language" your counsel's explanations of what it means for the MISSION and Chari's status in it.

Has there been any action or reaction to the JUDGEMENT by you? Any planned?

Thank you for sharing your info with the WORLD...

Cyril Borg

Anonymous said...

Dear Cyril

Last 15 lines of point 4 of Judgement says it all.

Anonymous said...

At last Chari, Uma Shankar Bajpai and 6 others have been chargesheeted for the criminal offence of tresspassing into the Ashram on 2nd June 2006. Their non-bailable warrants are being issued for the same from the lower court three days back.


Shashwat said...

Dear Navneet,

When is take-over expected ? when do we expect the SRCM site returns back to you !!

As the final judgment is in your favor, I feel take over should not be difficult.


Shashwat said...

Can you provide any further detail about US Bajpai's arrest warrant.

Is Narendra Bajpai, (Uma shanker bajpai's son) who is an AMWAY drone, also involved with this dispute ?

Anonymous said...

Hi Navneet...

Someone left you an "OPEN LETTER" on my blog:

Our World From Another Dimendion

or at:

They are asking for answers...and a reply!


Shashwat said...

That open letter is outcome of frustration on part of that Anonymous commenter..

If asking for answere, one should have this much of guts to come out and speak openly, and do not hide behind internet !!

Its payback time for Chari's criminal gang.

Anonymous said...

Dear Naveet - congratulations! Hard work, sincerity and above all persistence pays!

A good way to mark the 25th anniversay year (from 1983) - of both birthday as well as the day when Babuji left the physical world.

As I have mentioned in one of the other blogs, from a long term perspective (~500 or 1000 years) of Sahaj Marg, it is better for the SRCM to have made these mistakes (irrespective of 'who' is responsible for it) early in its development so that we (and all future generations) can learn from it and hopefully never repeat this again.

I would love to see a day when we can go to our Ashrams with only one thought (the thought of spirituality) in mind.

Despite being under Chariji's control and despite not believing in him being master - I wanted to go to ashram(s) several times (most of these ashrams located in several cities and towns may have either been built/conceived by Babuji) just to have a place to meditate on Babuji - but the questions asked by the ashram's caretakers makes this almost impossible - who are you, where is your ID (batches are no longer enough), who initiated you (makes it more difficult for people if the person who initiated them is either not alive or doesn't belive that Chariji is the master) and hundreds of other questions.

It is obviously almost impossible to tell them that I just came there to meditate and that I don't believe in Chariji as Master but still want to meditate on Babuji in even the Ashrams built during babuji's physical existence.

Meditation can of course be done at home also but being the ordinary mortal I am and going through a lot of distractions that drive many of us away from spirituality and not having the required discipline in life to regularly do meditation at home - I think that an ashram where we could regularly visit, meditate and where people come with only good thoughts in mind is very conducive for spiritual progress and also in building the discipline needed in spirituality.

I make specific reference to this (ashrams/numbers/quality) as someone mentioned earlier on one of the messages in this blog that Chariji has done a service to Babuji's mission in this world by making Sahaj Marg known worldwide and this is just inconceivable to me. On the contrary, I would say he definitely has done a great deal of service to Babuji and SRCM by being a role model of 'how not to be an SRCMite' for all future generations and that even the best medicine when not used properly can be deleterious - in this the prescribing information is what was clearly enumerated by Babuji in all his teachings and the need for a worthy guide to meditate on.

Once again, a good way to mark the 25th birthday anniversay (after 1983) of our reverent guruji.

May good times soon return again,


Reg, KC

Anonymous said...

Dear Navneet,

One more thought just struck me - from 1899 (Babuji's birthyear) to 2008 - it's '108' completed years.

Also if you combine the digits in 1899 and also in 2008 - they add upto the digit '1' in both cases.

Reg, KC

Shashwat said...

someone mentioned earlier on one of the messages in this blog that Chariji has done a service to Babuji's mission in this world by making Sahaj Marg known worldwide

Osama-bin-laden, made terrorism a world known phenomenon, now Islam is known better in those area's where people were unaware of plight of people living in areas such as afghanistan..

Same is true with Chari propagating Sahaj Marg

Anonymous said...

Hi all...

This was left on my blog and parallels what happened in Catholicism in my country as the "scandals" were exposed and those who trusted the "DEVIANT PRIESTS", and were the "best catholics" started to either leave the church, such as myself, and/or "commit suicide" as they could not stand the SHAME. These were the ones who had sacrificed their family for the MISSION...

If anyone knows this family, OFFER LOVE, COMPASSION, and CARING, (not preaching and lectures) even though they are "EMOTIONS" and not necessarily "SPIRITUAL", to your BROTHERS AND SISTERS in their hour of need...and believe them, the VICTIMS.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Michael's View on the Controversies...Mar 9, 2007":

I would like to bring forth a tragic incident, about an ardous abhyasi, named Dhamodar. I think who sacrifised every thing for the Mission. But sadly he commited suicide by hanging himself.
The marriage was set by PR. What might have gone through old parents and all. We can see PR next day as usual and whistling and listening to music. No change, poor parents, they might have such expectations from the young child.


Anonymous said...


I am editing on WIKI and would like to include the two Newspaper article that you had on your SRCM (Shahjahanpur) site in the article.

Dainik Jagran dated 8th Nov 2006

Ex-Minster and Ex-DIG tried to forcefully capture the Ram Chandra Mission Ashram.

Situation volatile, administrative and police officer’s camp in the ashram.

Hindustan, 3rd November 2006.

Ram Chandra Mission captured, after Violence

Women amongst 3 other’s injured

I would need a "link" to the article direct from the NEWSPAPERS in question with a translation to English from them, also on-line, so readers of the article can "verify" the content...The link to their "archives" would offer them some PR value.

PS...If that is not possible for you, could you post a link to both Newspapers here so I can contact them directly, or have someone who speaks "hindi" contact them for me.


Shashwat said...

Taken from don's blogs !!...

If there was at least one lesson we got in this mood battle “Shashwat” expressed it recently, when he asked to speak openly and not to hide behind the internet. - But who did? - Navneet Kumar Saxena? “Shashwat”? “4d-don”?

Replying here..

Dear Anonymous, who is hiding ?? u know what navneet say's, u know what Don says, you know what I say... BUT do we know, if two successive anonymous comments are from you ?? Who is hiding ? is it not possible that it is YOU, who is hiding ? have courage first off, then discuss, let us know your name to start with, of course we do not wish to know where u stay etc.. but can you be honest enough to inform us as which anonymous commenter you are out of 250 odd anonymous comments on this blog...?

And you talk about spirituality... honesty is the first criteria, and if you are not honest yourself, what is the use of throwing your words here and there.... Add credibility and accountability to your own statements before you question other's.

Anonymous said...


Could you tell us what case this clause refers to? Is there a number or a link that would allow us to look at it and make it available to our readers?

Is there any other news or other events you can share with the PEOPLE? (number and links of current cases, newspaper articles, etc...)

Thank you for sharing the info with ALL...

May the ONE shower you with blessings...

Cyril Borg

Appeal (civil) 6619 of 2000

6. It is not necessary to deal with the true import of
Sections 3(A) and 4. It would be appropriate to direct that the
pending suit shall be decided within a period of six months.

Cyril Borg

Anonymous said...

Dear Cyril

This refers to a suit already filed in Shahjahanpur lower court way back in the year 2000 regarding the question as to who is the president and the contesting that the document putforth by PR Chari is false.

Judges of Supreme Court while listening to our case on 6th and 7th Feb looked into the document and the copy of constitution submitted by PR Chari and stated that there is forgery and falsification in the documents submitted by PR Chari.

The constitution & Bye laws submitted by Chari group was proved by us to be false and not registered by the Registrar. By getting the sealed copy from the registrar which stated that the document is not registered by the registrar. the same was presented to court in original to prove falsification and misguiding of court.

Hence the judges during the discussions suggested that there should be trial of criminal nature also seeing the same. The appeal being Civil could not take the criminal offence. hence he suggested then itself to take up in the suit pending at lower court.


Anonymous said...

Dear Cyril and others

The case in the lower court was filed by Sh. K.V. Reddy ji who was the Overseas Secretary during Babuji's physical presence and the number of case is 340 of 2003. at Shahjahanpur lower court. Wherein the same questions were asked as that in the present Supreme court case.

As explained earlier there is criminal offence also hence the case at Shahjahanpur court has been as to be executed as it is a suit.

Moreover latest news is that Chari, His secretary US Bajpai, Kishan Tandon, Vaibhav Tandon and two retired IAS officers involved in the incident of physically assaulting my mother , my uncle and others at the ashram have been "chargesheeted" (proved to be criminal after investigation) by a Special Investigating agency after probe being ordered by the Home Secretary, Uttar Pradesh, India and by the lower court of Shahjahanpur about the incident which. Court has accepted the same and summons have been issued to them acordingly.

The incident is the same that was covered by newspapers on the 3rd April, 2006 of which you are asking the link.

I had got a scanned copy published on our website and did not know of the link. It was published in Hindustan the hindi daily of the Hindustan Times Group. Itwas published on 6th April 2006.

One more thing I need to clarify to the Anonymous blogger. the suit pointed out by him i.e. Suit No. 7359 of 1989 is K. Sivaramaiah v. Rukmani Ammal [2004(1) SCC
471] in the court of the same judge and not our suit. Kindly re-read the judgement carefully again.

The judges have cited the suit to eliminate claims of Chari vide his so called interim judgemnet by the highcourt that he is the president. The original case no. was 200 of 83.

Also cited in judgemen " view of the interim orders in civil suit OS (No.) 200
of 1983 the respondent No. 1 P. Rajagopalachari shall
continue to work as President. As noted above the suit was
withdrawn on 10.7.1997 with liberty to file fresh suit."

So the above order is cited to show that the effect of the judgement does not stand.

Would request to speak only after complete clarity of the judgement or reading the judgement several times before giving your views on same.

Hope the lawyers will agree that whenever judgements are passed by the Apex court if there is a rebuttence then it is pointed out by the court or a view is given by the court on the same. If there is no rebutence of a claim either by the reponsent or the petitioner the same is taken as accepted by the orther party and by the court.

In this order all the the word judgement is written in the beginning. Moreover there has been rebuttence shown by us only in the order at one place that is Claim of Chari under 3a of the contitution. wherein we have revbutted stating that the contitution says that the "..president of the said society can only be in Direct line of Succession." and we have opposed Chari's claim of being in Direct line of succession as he is not the geneological son of Babuji maharaj. This is what the judge has asked to test by the lower court.

As far as my age is concerned I was an adolescent wjen my grandfather was alive.

I hope you would agree that an adolescent has enough gre cells to remember and contrue things. Atleast it is so in India. thanks to our Education system. You would also agree that Babuji had written that when he was 9 years old he prayed to Lord Hanuman ji. HE WAS 9 at That TIME. Must have read his Autobiography.

As far as proof of Babuji writing president is going to be his lineal decendant is concerned. You should have read the registered constitution of the society Shri Ram Chandra Mission not the one which was printed and circulated by Chari (similar to the falsfied document submitted in the Supreme court by him.). Moreover we have the original literature of Babuji written by his own hands presented to courts too. and the last letter of Babuji maharaj also stating the same again. this too was presented to Alllahabad High Court.

Left for you to decide


Anonymous said...

Dear Cyril

The case in the lower court was filed by Sh. K.V. Reddy ji who was the Overseas Secretary during Babuji's physical presence and the number of case is 340 of 2003. at Shahjahanpur lower court. Wherein the same questions were asked as that in the present Supreme court case.

As explained earlier there is criminal offence also hence the case at Shahjahanpur court has been as to be executed as it is a suit.

Moreover latest news is that Chari, His secretary US Bajpai, Kishan Tandon, Vaibhav Tandon and two retired IAS officers involved in the incident of physically assaulting my mother , my uncle and others at the ashram have been "chargesheeted" (proved to be criminal after investigation) by a Special Investigating agency after probe being ordered by the Home Secretary, Uttar Pradesh, India and by the lower court of Shahjahanpur about the incident which. Court has accepted the same and summons have been issued to them acordingly.

The incident is the same that was covered by newspapers on the 3rd April, 2006 of which you are asking the link.

I had got a scanned copy published on our website and did not know of the link. It was published in Hindustan the hindi daily of the Hindustan Times Group. Itwas published on 6th April 2006.

One more thing I need to clarify to the Anonymous blogger. the suit pointed out by him i.e. Suit No. 7359 of 1989 is K. Sivaramaiah v. Rukmani Ammal [2004(1) SCC
471] in the court of the same judge and not our suit. Kindly re-read the judgement carefully again.

The judges have cited the suit to eliminate claims of Chari vide his so called interim judgemnet by the highcourt that he is the president. The original case no. was 200 of 83.

Also cited in judgemen " view of the interim orders in civil suit OS (No.) 200
of 1983 the respondent No. 1 P. Rajagopalachari shall
continue to work as President. As noted above the suit was
withdrawn on 10.7.1997 with liberty to file fresh suit."

So the above order is cited to show that the effect of the judgement does not stand.

Would request to speak only after complete clarity of the judgement or reading the judgement several times before giving your views on same.

Hope the lawyers will agree that whenever judgements are passed by the Apex court if there is a rebuttence then it is pointed out by the court or a view is given by the court on the same. If there is no rebutence of a claim either by the reponsent or the petitioner the same is taken as accepted by the orther party and by the court.

In this order all the the word judgement is written in the beginning. Moreover there has been rebuttence shown by us only in the order at one place that is Claim of Chari under 3a of the contitution. wherein we have revbutted stating that the contitution says that the "..president of the said society can only be in Direct line of Succession." and we have opposed Chari's claim of being in Direct line of succession as he is not the geneological son of Babuji maharaj. This is what the judge has asked to test by the lower court.

As far as my age is concerned I was an adolescent wjen my grandfather was alive.

I hope you would agree that an adolescent has enough gre cells to remember and contrue things. Atleast it is so in India. thanks to our Education system. You would also agree that Babuji had written that when he was 9 years old he prayed to Lord Hanuman ji. HE WAS 9 at That TIME. Must have read his Autobiography.

As far as proof of Babuji writing president is going to be his lineal decendant is concerned. You should have read the registered constitution of the society Shri Ram Chandra Mission not the one which was printed and circulated by Chari (similar to the falsfied document submitted in the Supreme court by him.). Moreover we have the original literature of Babuji written by his own hands presented to courts too. and the last letter of Babuji maharaj also stating the same again. this too was presented to Alllahabad High Court.

Left for you to decide


Shashwat said...

Dear Navneet,

Is there any development for getting the URL back from chari's gang ? let us know the link if you have registered any new URL.

BTW paper clippings which were uploaded on your website are currently placed on my blog.

These links can be used till you get your site back from these criminals..


Anonymous said...


The scanned files of the Newspapers clippings on Shashwat's site, which were taken from your site are dated Nov 3, 2006. You mentionned above "April 3, 2006" and eartlier you mentionned "June 3, 2006".

On which of these date did the incident occur and on which date did these Newspapers cover it?

Why all the different dates? Were there more than one "incident" at the Babuji ashram?

Thank you for the clarification

Cyril Borg

Anonymous said...

Dear Cyril

There were two incidents

First on November 6, 2003 when my father left his physical body. They attacked with over 100 people, but could not be successful.

Second was on April 2nd 2006 when they came with more than 200 odd people and attacked my mother and my uncle in presence of Police and some district authority individuals.

Since the Police & Administration people were with them they succeeded. It on the 2nd incident that the chargesheet has been filed against the Chari & gang which we have mentioned. It has taken two years to get them chargesheeted on that incident.

If you remember the website had medical proofs of being beaten too. This was pertaining to April 2nd 2006 incident.

The cuttings on Shaswats site is that of November 8, 2003 in jagran regarding the first incident on November 6, 2003 and the other cutting on Hindustan is that of April 3rd, 2006 regarding second incident on April 2006.

It is clearly visible when you enlarge the image.


Alexis said...

Dear Navneet,
There is a belgium society called INSPSAAS (shri ram chandra memorial international society promoting spirituality as a science). A member of it is called S.P. Srivastava.
I would like to know if you know that, and then if it's a ramification of SRCM Shahjahanpur, and if this Srivastava is the same man who was president of SRCM Shahjahanpur in 1984.
If it's right, why did you do that ? What do you want to do in Belgium ?
Thanks to explain me

Anonymous said...


when Chariji has a charge-sheet against him filed in court, and as you stated, non-bailable warrants has been issued against him, will he not be arrested if he visits luckhnow ? Have made any appeal in court, for him to get arrested ?

HariharanPG said...

Dear Navneet Kumarji,

I am Hariharan, an abhyasi from Coimbatore. Due to various reasons that are purely spirituality-oriented, I have distanced myself from the SRCM run by Mr. Chari. I am an ardent seeker of spiritual elevation and PURELY AND ONLY follow Rev. Babuji. I would request you to kindly let me have your e-mail ID and also to kindly let me have the Books with the lecturs and messages of Rev. Babuji Maharaj, including your Rev.Father's book, "Truth Unveiled".

I shall be so glad to hearing you,



HariharanPG said...

Dear Navneetji,

I am Hariharan again. My e-mail ID is

Affly / Hariharan

HariharanPG said...

Dear Br.Navneetkumarji,


Could you please let me have your e-mail ID and, if possible, your Mobile Number so that I can directly contact you. I am looking for one full set of your Rev. Father's books "Truth Unveiled".

Kindly let me know if you can help me out with these books.

In His Remembrance,



Anonymous said...

Fully aware of the scope of this chaos, where/who does a new comer (future generation) go or turn to if s/he wants to follow 'true' SRMC path?

Who provides true or authentic pranahuti?

Anonymous said...

SRCM did not existed after founder´s death, there were people who were enjoying on work done by what is he called.... uuuummm babuji. mirite ? if one cannot find peace in the religion one belongs to, no srcm can help..

Anonymous said...

So no more authentic SRCM? Pranahuti is also lost? A perfectly good and sound way of spiritual path laid by the originator of SRCM destroyed by greed and bickering? How about & by KC Narayana? Is this different then Chari and Navneet? I am not really interested in following a particular path per se so I don't care whether the name is SRCM or XYZ or ABC - being a new comer who needs external/extra help/push I am looking for true and capable source who can provide true pranahuti to jump start and support my spiritual life/progress. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

don´t know for sure.. there are people who say srcm has drifted, there are people who challenge sahaj marg and state it is fundamentally wrong, discussion takes place on orkut,

Take your chance, ask them directly.

4d-Don said...

Hi Anonymous...

If you want spirit, go to SPIRIT, not to Material or Intellect, or POWER, or Pranahuti...

The ONE transmits all the TIME and in all SPACE...You dont' ask anyone for more SUNSHINE or for anyone to "kick start" the SUN. And the wind and the rain start by themselves and are felt as the experience NATURE by the self, not the MASTER...That is part of the REALITY no one else can experience it for you nor "kick start" your experience of REALITY...One can only POINT...but you have to experience it yourself with your SPIRIT.

If one does "have someone else "kick-start" one's experience, then one is being "convinced" or "brainwashed" of something that one "should" experience" and is not experiencing the NATURAL Path that SRCM claims to "transmit".

Matter such as MAN (carbon) can not transmit the SUN's energy (Electromagnetic energy)... The sun must do that. The ONE transmits to ALL all THE TIME... Open the eyes, and the "intellect" and realize it this REALITY... It is not with the heart that one "REALIZES" but with the brain. The senses "feel" and the brain assimilates and gives an 'realization' or intellectualizes the feelings of the senses. The third eye (gland) is an organ of SENSE.

You will find the same quality of SPIRIT in SRCM that you find in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.. where the POWER is "GOD"...and the morality allows for war, killing the mother, the father, the son, to show "OBEDIENCE"... In other words, NO MORALITY in RELIGION, just POWER and a FUZZY feeling of BLISS and a sense of BELONGING to a GANG... comforting but not SPIRIT...

This Quotation if from Christ (another MASTER) being sold by Christians as the SAVIOUR of Mankind...but are the followers of Christ more SPIRITUAL than the abhyasis of Sahaj Marg who's Master CHARI, calls the bloggers who disagree with him, the "enemies of SPIRITUALITY"??:

The road is wide and many go with you on the road to PERDITION
The road is narrow and few go with you on the road to Salvation (or Liberation)

May you find the experience of SPIRIT from SPIRIT, not from a MAN...

SPirit will not be "KICKED"...It can't be manipulated by "BUSINESSMEN", who mess up the SPIRITUALITY and make it "SPIRITUALISM", even as they messed up the material (pollution, poverty, the environment, etc...) and the intellectual (no philosophy).. just a "5 year plan".


Anonymous said...

It is certainly not just one family suffering out of the 'far-from-spiritual' modus operandi. There are hundreds of families and thousands of individuals who had, I repeat, HAD reposed 'trust' in the present president of SRCM, but felt it better to keep away purely with the virtue of their 'sensitive nature' and 'sensible approach'. There has not been any MIS-PROPAGANDA or wrong propagation, for sure. What is fact is surely fact, and there can be no doubt about this. Babuji Maharaj's sincere, ardent, and committed service to humanity has been misused for material gains by some groups, and it is an anathema!

Anonymous said...

I had gone through the websites / discussions and the material which been placed in regard to the addressing of the Sahaj Marg System as cult. I want to clarify that this has wrongly been addressed as cult. The Sahaj Marg system is a very pious, holistic and peace loving system for the spiritual upliftment of the humanity at large propagating the feeling of Universal Brotherhood and Harmony. The system is a Rajayoga system based on the Prahauti system taken up by Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh alias Lalajai Maharaj and it has been modified and developed by Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur alias Babuji Maharaj. The literature published and written by Babuji Maharaj shall clarify all the doubts which are in your and in the minds of the persons who have wrongly been following and have joined after 1983 i.e. the Mahasamadhi of Babuji Maharaj.

I would like to clarify one more point about the fight going on in a spiritual society Shri Ram Chandra Mission. It is pertinent to point out to the public at large that it is fight of Dharma and Adharama where on one side it is the parent society with its President Shri Navneet Kumar Saxena who is following the pious system on the guidelines, principles and procedures laid down by Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj alias Babuji Maharaj. The followers of Babuji Maharaj with its President Shri Navneet Kumar Saxena have been working on the established Byelaws of the society and the law of the country. On the other side it has been wrongly followed by the people represented by P. Rajagopalachari and others who have been following the changed system with a different prayer, different system and different method and against the Constitution of Shri Ram Chandra Mission and have been misleading the public at large. P. Rajagopalachari group has been following the system illegally and wrongly and against the Constitution, Byelaws of the society. I would like to mention here that the people who have been laying allegations against the Sahaj Marg system are the persons who were associated with the P. Rajagopalachari group. I would like to clarify that the people who have been writing against the Sahaj Marg system who have not followed the correct system given by Babuji Maharaj. As Babuji Maharaj says that the Master, Mission and Method are key for the following of the Sahaj Marg system. The people who have been writing against the Sahaj system have followed a different guru/Master, Different Mission and Different Method and these people have not tasted the real Sahaj Marg system till date.

I would like to clarify one more thing considering the pioneer case here that the said story published in the newspaper Pioneer in the year 2002 is a false story which was published with a malafide intention and motive to defame the Guru/Master Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj alias Babuji Maharaj, Mission and the Sahaj Marg system. The strict proof and evidence to the same is that the aggrieved person has herself given an Affidavit before the National Human Rights Commission for Women stating that all the allegations against the society, Master/Guru, Method were false and baseless. The statement given by her was given under coercion and influence to defame the society, guru/master, method. The said case has been closed by the National Human Rights Commission for Women after investigation and inquiry vide order dated 29.01.2003. Hence, such allegation and document relied upon are baseless, false and are defaming the society, Guru / Master and the Method and needs to be removed from the Website / discussions with immediate effect with a noting clarifying the reality to the public at large, if you are really fighting for Reality and really portraying reality to the public rather than misguiding..
I would like to clarify one more point that Shri Ram Chandra Mission is a spiritual society and it has nothing to do with the performing of marriages. It is pertinent to mention here that if any marriages are being performed by any person under the banner of the society, the society is not liable for the same since the society aims and objects do not provide for. In fact, in personam any person is liable who is performing the marriages and not the society.
I would further like to clarify that the Guru and Master Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj were always against the performing of rituals as they are hindrances in the upliftment of spiritual field.
I would like to mention that in your website / discussions you have wrongly addressed the prayer given by the almighty and no person has any right to speak of any of the aspect until he/she knows the exact version and meaning of any sermon/prayer enlightened by the almighty for the benefit of the humanity at large. The prayer is not devoid or against any Vedas, Upanishads and Hindu Philosophy. This is for the information of the public at large that there exist person who have done Doctorate in the field of Sahaj Marg and they have done also by being the part of the system and understanding till its depth. Further Shri Ram Chandra Mission and Sahaj Marg system never practises hypnotism among the people but it aims of spreading spirituality by a process of meditation.
I would like to clarify that Shri Ram Chandra Mission has been wrongly depicted by all person who have been raging against the society without having any knowledge about the working of the society Shri Ram Chandra Mission and the Practising of the system named as Sahaj Marg system in its original form and all the allegations in your Sites / discussions have been on the basis of the person who have wrongly propagated the Sahaj Marg system and the society its aims and objectives. The literature of the Founder President has clarified that What is a Transmission and How it can be felt? And in your website / discussions the said aspect has been wrongly understood and explained to the humanity at large which further needs to be rectified and corrected after proper experience with the original system, investigation and inquiry.
I would further like to clarify that the Founder President Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj alias Babuji Maharaj has clarified the concept of Guru in its literature Reality at Dawn by a separate chapter “GURU” published in the year 1956.
I would further clarify the aspect of Faith and the logic behind have been wrongly understood and propagated by your website / discussions who have been following a wrong Sahaj Marg System and not the Original Sahaj Marg system duly established and followed on the principles, guidelines and procedures laid down by Babuji Maharaj only. It is submitted that the said fruit of the Sahaj Marg system can be availed only if the system is being practised rightly like the people represented by its President Shri Navneet Kumar Saxena have been following.
I would further clarify that all the Warning in respect of Shri Ram Chandra Mission are absolutely frivolous, vexatious and wrong and are totally in violation to the established principles, guidelines and procedures laid down by Babuji Maharaj.
I would further like to clarify that the Do’s and Don’t mentioned in the website / discussions are purely imaginary and are personal in nature and has nothing to do with the society, its system Do’s and Don’t.
I would like to clarify that the video shows as to How to become a cult leader pertaining to the society Shri Ram Chandra Mission is not represented by its parent society Shri Ram Chandra Mission with its President Shri Navneet Kumar Saxena and Founder President Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj alias Babuji Maharaj to move and propagate the Sahaj Marg System in such manner and the said videos are purely personal and are being followed by some person who is not following the right system.
I would further like to clarify to humanity at large that the literature pertaining to Babuji Maharaj is purely original and it has nothing to do with any other society or preachers of spirituality.
I would clarify that the movement against the Sahaj Marg system is a humanely wrong one, if you are an ethical person. The movement should be only against the persons who have been wrongly representing the Sahaj Marg system and the system represented through P. Rajagopalachari, Kasturi Chaturvedi, K. C. Narayanan, Raghavendra Rao. Since all these groups formed are the breakaway of the main group with a grieve to become a Master to be known in the society.
I would further clarify that Mr Dinesh Kumar of Fethgarh has been following system which have no linkage with the society Shri Ram Chandra Mission.

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous...

If this is a formal request, please sign it, so we may know who is requesting so much from us.

Please give a link or place a scan of the full document on your web-site so we can link to it, and view the document from the National Human Rights Commission for Women. I can't find it.


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